- Improving the plight of teachers is indeed a priority item. 改善教师的困难处境的确是优先处理的一件事情。
- Our first priority is to improve standards. 我们的头等大事是提高水平。
- Customer is always of our first priority. 我们始终秉承客户是企业之源
- The first priority shall be to evacuate the bus. 汽车着火后的第一要务是疏散乘客。
- We should give first priority to eliminating these bad practices. 应该首先把这些不正之风整一整。
- Excellent. You know,we always give first priority to quality. 第一流的。可以说,我们总是把质量放在首位。
- Our first priority should be a good choice of successors. 第一位的事情是要认真选拔好接班人。
- Rescuing trapped people was still the first priority. 解救被困群众的工作仍然是重中之重。
- Excellent. You know, we always give first priority to quality. 第一流的。可以说,我们总是把质量放在首位。
- So the first priority is to solve the Burn In issues. 因而解决Burn In试验中的问题就显得尤为重要。
- The first priority is to preserve the dignity of the palaces. 首先要保持宫殿的庄严。
- At Veritas Airways, your safety is our first priority. 您的安全是真相航空的首要工作。
- My first priority was to make a full review of the way the Watchers operated. 我的头等大事就是对监视员的工作方式进行全面的视察。
- "Security is the first priority," said the new president in his speech. 新任总裁在讲话中说:“安全第一”。
- First priority should always be given to national sovereignty and security. 国家的主权和安全要始终放在第一位。
- We care about our customers and customer satisfaction is of the first priority. 我们对客人作出服务承诺,将客人的满意放在第一位。
- The first priority is to get to know her and capture her heart gradually. 首要的任务是结识她,然后慢慢地俘获她的心哦!
- Janet, usually the first priority of Mandi, is forgotten by her brother today. 向来是二哥首选的雪雪今天被冷落了,只有看的份儿。
- Tourism English will be my first priority when choosing an English course. 当选择英语课程时,观光英语会是我第一优先的选择。
- UTF-8 is the first priority, with other encodings following if needed. UTF-8是第一个优先级,如有必要的话,其它编码接下来处理。