- first party release 单方拆线
- Integrate software components and 3rd party release into SW mainline. 软件组件和第三方软件的集成;
- The second party does not relet, must inform the first party ahead of time. 乙方不续租,也要提前通知甲方。
- The party released its manifesto yesterday. 该党昨天发表了它的声明。
- The right to demand payment from the endorser of a commercial paper when the first party liable fails to pay. 追索权当有支付义务的第一方不能支付时,可以向商业票据的背书人要求支付的权力。
- The First Party of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Guangdong Bureau of Geology and Mineral Investigation. 广东省地质勘查局水文工程地质一大队。
- The first party entrusts the second party with building an aluminum factory including an automatical production line. 甲方委托乙方修建一座铝制品厂,包括建立一条自动生产线。
- The owners of a building on Times Square held that first party on the roof of their building. 广场上有栋大楼的业主们在他们的楼顶上举办了首次聚会。
- Subpackage proxy: The agent being accepted without the first party ,does not have to hire sublets the agent. 分包代理:代理人未经甲方同意,不得聘用分包代理人。
- The first party has violated the contract, so it is obliged to compensate the second party. 甲方违反了合同中规定的条款,必须对乙方进行赔偿。
- In fact TPL is opposite to "first party" dispatcher and "second party" consignee. 实际上第三方物流是相对于“第一方”发货人和“第二方”收货人而言的。
- Tax official: you are just the second party of the group. From the date the first party arrived in china,your group has existed in china for 10 months. 税务局:您只是专家组的第二批成员。从第一批成员到中国算起,专家组已存在了不得10个月了。
- As expected the main opposition Nationalist Party and the splinter People First Party lacked the necessary two-thirds majority to authorise a referendum on whether to sack Chen. 主要反对党国民党反动派及其支派伪亲民党未能在伪立法院赢得所需的三分之二多数以展开一次决定陈下岗与否的伪全民公决。
- You are just the second party of the group. From the date the first party arrived in china, your group has existed in china for 10 months. 您只是专家组的第二批成员。从第一批成员到中国算起,专家组已存在了不得10个月了。
- A party may not rely on a failure of the other party to perform, to the extent that such failure was caused by the first party's act or omission. 一方当事人因其行为或不行为而使得另一方当事人不履行义务时,不得声称该另一方当事人不履行义务。
- To the direct economic losses bringing about a first party from the second party responsibility,respond to the acceptance of punishment and the reparation. 对于由乙方责任造成甲方的直接经济损失,应接受处罚和赔偿。
- Debates and campaigns are already underway in the United States, with the first party primary votes to select nominees for the presidential race due to start in early 2008. 目前,各项竞选辩论会和竞选活动已在美国拉开帏幕,选举总统候选人的首轮党内初选将于2008年初启动。
- The first party entrusts the second party with building a tourist hotel, the design of which is to be submitted by the first party. 中国国际旅行社武汉分公司(以下简称甲方)与美国某某建筑公司(以下简称乙方)兹定以下兴建旅游饭店之协议。定约双方经充分讨论协商,同意以下条款:
- Senator Steve Fielding, from the minority Family First Party, says he would have voted against the bill, as existing asylum measures are adequate. 来自少数派家庭第一党的史蒂夫*菲尔德议员说将会投这项法案的反对票,因为现在的庇护措施很恰当。
- If the Second Party struck or absented from work in series exceeds 3 days, the First Party will be entitled to repatriate the Second Party to China. 乙方凡罢工、连续旷工3天以上,公司有权遣送乙方回国。