- How about that for the first point of the game? 每局比赛的第一分球怎么发?
- Online Help is the first point of reference any user defers to. “在线帮助”是任何用户乐于参阅的首要参考。
- first point of Cancer 夏至点
- Then how about that for the first point of the game? 那么,每场比赛的第一球应站在哪边发球?
- The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the clinic. 多数人与诊所接触的第一个人是接待员。
- A good receptionist is important because they are usually the first point of contact for clients. 有一个好的接待员是很重要的,因为他们经常是客户的第一个接触人。
- Nowadays many people die of cancer. 现在有很多人死于癌症。
- Greater efficiency with most of the queries dealt with at the first point of contact. 效率更高的服务。大部分查询会在第一次联络时处理。
- An open figure is filled or clipped by using a line to connect the last point to the first point of the figure. 通过使用直线将最后一点与图形的第一点相连接,填充或剪辑开放的图形。
- The starting point of a figure is the first point in the sequence of connected lines and curves. 图形的起始点是相互连接的一系列直线和曲线中的第一点。
- He is researching into the causes of cancer. 他正在研究癌症的起因。
- Bank cashiers, also known as customer service advisers, are the first point of contact for a bank's customers. 银行出纳,又叫客户服务顾问,是顾客在银行里最先接触的人。
- His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer. 他的家乡在北回归线的北面。
- A patient's first point of contact with the NHS is usually their general practitioner (GP). 一位患者通过NHS的首次约诊通常是他们的全科医生。
- The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfall. 战胜癌症的征途是漫长的,而且布满意想不到的困难。
- For many businesses, a website is the first point of contact for potential customers so it's vital that you make a good first impression. 对于很多业务来说,潜在客户首先接触的是该公司的网站,即:网站是公司的第一门面;因此,网站是否能够给客户留下第一个好印象,这非常关键。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- The first point of our legislation has been adopted but too narrow and not conducive to the fight against commercial bribery to the actual needs. 第一种观点曾为我国立法所采纳,但因过于狭窄而不利于打击商业贿赂犯罪的实际需要。
- The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfalls. 战胜癌症的征途是漫长的,而且布满意想不到的困难。
- UCLA scored the first points of the first game, but M. was not intimidated. UCLA在第一场比赛中首先得分,但是M.;没有被胁迫。