- Chamberlain was not the man to lead his country in such a crisis, Winston Churchill , his first lord of admiralty took over as Prime Minster in 1940. 张伯伦在危急关头不能领导国家,因此他的首相温斯顿。邱吉尔于1940年接替首相职位。
- Chamberlain was not the man to lead his country in such a crisis, Winston Churchill, his first lord of admiralty took over as Prime Minster in 1940. 张伯伦在危急关头不能领导国家,因此他的首相温斯顿。邱吉尔于1940年接替首相职位。
- first lord of admiraltyn. 英国海军部部长
- The brash young First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation. 年青而性情急躁的海军大臣温斯顿·丘吉尔对海军航空特别关心。
- As First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill was involved in the Dardanelles campaign in 1915. 作为英国海军大臣,丘吉尔卷入了1915年的达达尼尔战役。
- As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. 1915年,他作为海军大臣,专心致志地指挥本可缩短血腥的世界大战进程的达达尼尔海峡战役,但他没能完成使命,损兵折将,伤亡惨重。
- As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. 那是在1915年,任海军大臣的他,积极投身于在达达尼尔海峡的一场战役中,这场战役本可以缩短那段血雨腥风的世界大战。
- He is seen inspecting naval recruits when he was First Lord of the Admiralty, inspecting the Brighton Police in the Royal Pavilion grounds in 1910 and riding a horse as a young man. 相册中有丘吉尔担任英国海军大臣期间视察海军新兵、1910年在皇家行宫检阅布赖顿警察和他年轻时骑马的照片。
- [England] First Lord of the Admiralty 海军部大臣[英]
- The brash young First Lord of the admiralty, Winston Churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation 年青而性情急躁的海军大臣温斯顿?邱吉尔对海军航空特别关心。
- 7.As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. 那是在1915年,任海军大臣的他,积极投身于在达达尼尔海峡的一场战役中,这场战役本可以缩短那段血雨腥风的世界大战。
- First Lord of the Shield Council 坚盾议会首席领主
- First Lord of the Admiralty 英国海军大臣
- For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. 因为人子是安息日的主。
- Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways. 万军之耶和华如此说,你们要省察自己的行为。
- The Lord of great grace and teacher of men, Buddha. 大恩教主。
- The serfs cowered before the lord of the manor. 佃农在地主前战战兢兢的。
- Hitler was the last Lord of Darkness. 希特勒是最后一个黑暗王。
- The good paymaster is lord of another man s purse. 精明的掌钱人是他人钱包的主宰者。
- Did you see The Lord of the Rings? 你看过《魔戒》这部电影吗?