- The ball slipped from the first baseman's glove. 棒球从一垒手的手套滑掉了。
- The first baseman made 15 putouts. 一垒手出局了15次。
- The batter fouled out to the first baseman. 击球员击出界外球被对方一垒手球接住而出局。
- This is the first baseman, and this is a pitcher. 这是第一个垒手。这是一个投手。
- Is he actually going to become a first-time first baseman? 他会在生涯中首次担任一垒手的工作吗?
- Still, he had a first baseman's glove ready in his locker. 不过在他的置物柜仍准备好一垒手手套。
- They could also go after first baseman Mark Teixeira. 他们同时可能竞逐一垒手MarkTexeira。
- First Baseman - A defensive fielder who plays on or near the first-base bag. 一垒手:防御一垒垒包附近的内野手。
- First Baseman A defensive fielder who plays on or near the firstbase bag. 一垒手:防御一垒垒包附近的内野手。
- The man to the right of the pitcher standing near first base is called the first baseman. 站在第一垒附近投手右边的叫一垒手。
- So here's my baseball personality test: Are you a chatty first baseman or a sullen shortstop? 所以我自己有个类似的题目:你是个能言善道的一垒手或是严肃的游击手?
- In Japan he is famous already, a personality no less on the public eye than the Crown Prince or the slugging first baseman of the Tokyo Giants. 在日本他早出了名,在一般人的眼中,他简直像皇太子或是东京巨人队棒球的第一垒球手一样的名人。
- Instead, the pitcher took the ball and threw it on a high arc to right field, far beyond the reach of the first baseman. 但是,投手拿到球后,传了一个大弧线,把球投到了右半场,这样一垒手根本接不着。
- Wang started playing baseball in fourth grade, as a pitcher, first baseman and outfielder. 王建民从小学四年级开始打棒球,担任过投手、一垒手和外野手。
- In order to create room for Phillips on the roster, the Yankees designated first baseman Josh Phelps for assignment. 为了挪出空缺让小菲成为登录的球员,洋基将一垒手乔许菲尔普斯放入让渡名单。
- NO11>the shortstop or another infielder will throw the ball to the first baseman and you'll be out. 游击手或其他内场手会把球传给一垒手,你就出局了。
- With one out and rookie Carlos Gomez on first in the sixth, Reyes hit a sharp grounder to first baseman Miguel Cairo. 其中卡尔击出的滚地球是靠野手选择上垒;
- Did you see the look on the first baseman's face,the umpire ruled Armstrong had gotten to first base before that throw was caught? 当裁判判阿姆斯壮在一垒手接到球之前,就已抵达一垒时,你看到一垒手的表情了吗?
- Tossing the ball back to Igawa, first baseman Jason Giambi -- making his first defensive start of the season -- allowed a few warm thoughts to creep through his mind. 一垒手技安将球传回井川庆手中,也是技安本季第一次守备的开始,温馨的想法也慢慢蔓延于技安心中。
- "Bobby takes more pitches than I do," said Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi, a noted on-base percentage fiend, the amazement evident in his voice. “阿伯比我还神奇耶!”洋基的一垒手技安先生这麽说。一个世界有名的超高上垒率恶魔,以他的声音抖出了这样一个令人诧异的事实。