- first aid apparantus 急救设备
- She pulled the drowning man from the water and gave him first aid. 她把那个溺水的男子从水中拉上来,并给他施行了急救。
- Could you give me some first aid? 你可以替我急救吗?
- Her work involved more than administration of first aid to the wounded. 她的工作不仅是对伤者的急救。
- In our first aid class,we practised on one another. 我们在上急救课时,相互充作练习的对象。
- All members of the team have trained in first aid. 全队队员都接受过急救培训。
- Where can I learn Master First Aid? 在那里学到大师级急救?
- Anyone with the right knowledge can give first aid. 任何具备一定急救知识的人都可以进行急救。
- Carry a clearly marked first aid kit. 最好车上储备有清楚标志的急救箱。
- Go for first aid box and report. 去取急救箱并报告。
- I would give him first aid and call for assistance. 我将对他进行基本的急救,然后呼救。
- Do first aid kits include the following supplies? 急救工具箱里是否有以下物品?
- We are filling up our first aid kits. 我们正在装急救箱。
- How can I enroll in the first aid courses? 怎样可参加急救课程?
- How can we learn enough about first aid? 我们怎样能学到足够的急救知识?
- First aid team remains on stand-by. 急救队待命。
- They built a First Aid Post on the beach. 他们在海滩上建了一个急救站。
- How do I make inquiry about first aid matters? 怎样查询急救问题?
- If necessary, give first aid right away. 需要时、立即进行急救。
- He did better in her first aid exam than expected. 令他的老师吃惊的是,他在急救测试中做得比预料的要好。