- The demand from positive feedback traders also contributes to the high premium on the first trading day. ipo 上市首日溢价程度与投资者的意见分歧程度、狂热情绪以及正向反馈交易风险显著正相关。
- Is the profit margin usually reaped in the first trading day of a new stock narrowing? 首日获利空间是否日趋狭窄?
- In 1991 and in 1992 the first trading day postganglionic Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.5 percent or even less. 1991年及1992年节后首个交易日上证指数涨幅甚至小于0.;5%25。
- On the first trading day of 2009, buyers lifted the Nikkei to above the 9000 level for the first time in two months. 2009年的第一个交易日,由于买家的努力,日经指数2个月来首次超过9000点。
- At the same time in 1996 and in 1993 the first trading day postganglionic Shanghai Composite Index rose 8.87 percent, respectively, 5.65 percent. 同时1996年及1993年节后首个交易日上证指数涨幅分别达到8.;87%25、5
- Mid-Autumn Festival after the first trading day, subject to bankruptcy Lehman and other factors to combat the global capital markets usher in black Tuesday. 中秋节过后的首个交易日,受雷曼破产等因素的打击,全球资本市场迎来黑色星期二。
- Stocks climbed on Sept. 8, the first trading day after Treasury Secretary Henry M.Paulson Jr. announced that he was placing Fannie and Freddie under federal conservatorship. 在资产秘书亨利 M保尔森宣布政府接管房地美和房利美的第一个交易日,9月8号,股票市场一路攀升。
- Note that not all the first trading day of the year the stock market were rising at a bull market phase, even in a bear market, the first trading day postganglionic could be possible prices rose. 需要注意的是,并不是所有首个交易日股市上涨的年份均处于牛市阶段,即使在熊市,节后首个交易日也有可能出现上涨行情。
- The meteoric debut of the company, based in Beijing, was reminiscent of the Internet heyday, when shares of online and technology companies routinely trebled on their first trading day. 百度公司成立于北京,那时候互联网盛行,当时的网络股第一天上市几乎都会上涨三倍。
- The countries are about to enter upon their first trade agreement as a unit. 这些国家正准备作为一个小组开始讨论它们之间的第一个贸易协定。
- Any application is valid within the same trading day only. 任何申请只在交易日当日有效。
- I'm on my way, but I will surely be back for another trading day. 我已经踏上归途,不过我还会回来再做生意的。
- You have to deposit money before you do your first trading. 你在做第一笔交易之前必须存款。
- A share mkt: went up by 9.5% in the first trading week after Chinese New Year. 股市场:农历新年后第一周A股市场交易上涨了9.;5%25。强使板块包括金矿,有色金属,保险,纸业,电子,稀缺资源,商业连锁以及酒店业。
- I think the remaining period of the trading day the price will remain strong. 我认为本交易日剩余时段价格将维持强势。"
- We spoke throughout the trading day, sharing information and swapping insights. 我们整天都保持沟通,分享信息,交换见解。
- Yesterday was the first election after the trading day, Amazon's stock market fell substantially due to close down 11%, but Mahaney's view of its valuation appears to be unmoved. 昨天是大选日后的第一个交易日,亚马逊的股票因大盘重挫而大幅跌收11%25,但马哈尼对其估价的看法似乎不为所动。
- At the end of each trading day,the exchange will determine the settlement price for each contract. 交易所在每个交易日结束后,都会宣布该合约的结算价格。
- The first trade barrier investigation in China was initiated on April 22 2004 at the request of the laver Association of Jiangsu Province. 本次贸易壁垒调查是应江苏省紫菜协会的申请于2004年4月22日立案的。
- Last Delivery Day: second business day following the last trading day of the delivery month. 最后交割日:交割月份最后一个交易日之后的第二个营业日。