- first parental generation 亲本一代, 第一亲代
- Parental generation living in groups and cooperating together contribute to Vespa bicolor's existence and reproduction. 黑盾胡蜂亲代个体群居分工合作有利于生存和种族繁衍 .
- Backcross A cross between an individual and an individual of the original parent generation. 回交:杂交产生的子一代个体再与其亲本进行交配的方式。
- AA column existing parent generation broiler breeder 160,000 kits to the community to provide high-quality seedlings over 2,000 broiler and broiler 10,000 5,000 tons of food. 三个种鸡场交叉位于五里口禽业路,布局合理,符合生物安全要求,可存栏AA父母代肉种鸡160000套,年向社会提供优质肉鸡苗2000多万只和肉鸡食品5000多吨。
- Of or relating to a generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation. 子孙后代的属于或关于在父母代以后的一代或代的顺序的
- A British couple are at the head of the race to become the world's first parents of a human clone. 一对英国夫妇有心成为世界上首例克隆人的父母。
- A British couple is at the head of the race to become the world's first parents of a human clone. 一 对 英 国 夫 妇 有 心 成 为 世 界 上 首 例 克 隆 人 的 父 母 。
- We certainly haven't risen above the level of our first parents, Adam and Eve, so the broad line fr. 显然,我们还没有超越我们的祖先亚当和夏娃,所以来自天堂的那宽广的路只能向下延伸。
- Question 26: How is original sin conveyed from our first parents unto their posterity? 问题26:原罪是如何从我们的始祖传给他们的后裔?
- Breeding bird of Parent generation 父母代种鸡
- There is no doubt in our hearts that You have overcome all the evil results of the fall of our first parents and the results of our own sinfulness. 能如此爱您、事奉您是件多麽令人兴奋的事。主啊!您已胜过了我们心里那些自亚当以来的各种罪性和罪行。
- He wasn't uncle to any of us; he was merely married to a distant relative of our parents' generation. 他其实不是我们任何一人的嫡亲姑父;只不过和我们父辈的一位远亲结了婚罢了。
- However, Jiujiang, to the post, I spent the first parents did not accompany the Mid-Autumn Festival, feeling very lonely, very miss home. 来但九江职大,我在这度过了第一个没有父母陪伴的中秋节,感觉很孤独,很想念家里。
- So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try "delousing" the clos... 所以,如果你想消灭你父母那一辈中的"寄生虫"来拯救雨林的话,还是先去清除你房间衣柜里的 虱 子吧。
- Our first parents, being left to the freedom of their own will, fell from the estate wherein they were created, by sinning against God. 答:我们的始祖因其自由意志,选择犯罪得罪神,就从当初受造的状态中堕落了。
- We will be as merry and as innocent as our first parents in Paradise, before the arch-fiend entered that indescribable scene. 在撒旦介入那美妙的乐园生活之前,们会像们的祖先一样快乐和天真、无邪。
- So before the parasiters of your parents' generation ,try "delousing" the closet in your own room . 所以,如果你想消灭你父母那一辈子中的“寄生虫”来拯救雨林的话,还是先去清除你房间衣柜里的虫子吧。
- For my parents' generation, which went to school in the 1960's and 70's, college was often a radicalizing experience. 我父母一代人在20世纪六七十年代接受学校教育,他们的大学生活经常是一种激进的体验。
- So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try “delousing” the closet in your own room. 如果你想驱除你们父母那一辈寄生虫来拯救雨林的话,就先去清除你自己房间壁橱里的虱子。
- So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation,try"delousing" the closet in your own room. 所以,如果你想拯救被父母这代人破坏的热带雨林的话,还是先去整理一下你自己的房间吧!