- This fire hose is about sixty feet long. 这段消防水管大约有60 英尺长。
- fire hose fitting 消防水带配件
- The bending radius of the hose fitting should not be too small. 软管接头部位转弯不要过小,应大于软管内经8倍以上。
- There are plenty of fire hoses in the building. 这幢建筑物中有许多消防软管。
- Fire incidents, fire properties, fire hose reels, priming equipment, fire hydrants, etc. 消防事故,火之特性,消防喉辘,引动水设备,消防喉等
- It takes small resistance of jet and dusting.this kind of fire hose specified by many fire extinguisher manufacturers. 使用时喷射阻力小,喷粉快,为全国众多灭火器生产厂家指定品牌。
- Are there any fire hoses in the building? 在这幢大楼里有消防水管吗?
- A pencil-like streamer of gas shoots out in both directions from the pillar and plows into surrounding gas like a fire hose hitting a wall of sand. 一个铅笔状的气体流从柱体两端射出一头扎入周围的气体中,就像用消防水龙喷一堵沙墙。
- We also take in the second renovation of the fire hose after the diversion and spray head / Smoke translocation project. 另外也承接在第二次装修后的消防水管改道,喷淋头/烟感移位的工程。
- Brief: fire hose for carts extinguisher, with high-quality PVC lining material or natural rubber, it with good working pressure, good adhesion, long service life and so on. 简介:推车灭火器专用水带,内衬优质PVC原料或天然橡胶,具有工作压力大,附着力好,使用寿命长等特点。
- When they drew close, we turned on a high-pressure fire hose so all this salt water began to come out and douse the rail on which they'd erected a metal ladder, and were going up. 当他们靠近时,我们打开高压水龙带,海水喷涌而出,直击已经在栏杆上竖起金属梯正往上爬的海盗。
- Use only with approved hose bibbs or hose fittings having four or more full American National Hose (NH) threads. 只能采用具有四圈以上的美国国家软管(NH)螺纹的、通过认证的软管水龙头或软管连接件。
- The company assembles Hose fittings for Caterpillar, Komatsu and John Deere machines, as well as for a company in Brazil, Mr. 发现在培训方式和内容上,毕业后教育既没有统一的教育模式,更缺少统一的教育内容,这就不利于中医执业医师的成长。
- These range from Hose fittings to specialised filters, and are sold to a large number of industrial sectors Axminster carpet, including chemicals. 它有若干电话共用一条外线,适用于中、小型企业,也可用于住宅和秘书电话。获得新执照的运营商将具备提供固定弱电和互联网服务的资格。
- Long Beach Hose &Coupling Co. is a distribution of hose, couplings, and related accessories. Import: fire hose with couplings, fire hose couplings, brass fire hose adapters, and pneumatic air hose. 业务:经销软管,连接器,及配件。进口:带软管接头的灭火水龙带,灭火水龙带软管接头,黄铜灭火水龙带适配器,耐压送风管。
- But Subir Gokarn, chief economist (Asia Pacific), Standard www.abta.org and Hose fittings ays access to finance is a bigger problem than interest rates. 从西南交通大学毕业后,他从基层工程队的技术员做起,逐步成长为懂技术、善管理、独挡一面的全国一级建造师、优秀项目经理。
- Long Beach Hose &Coupling Co. is a distribution of hose, couplings, and related accessories. Import: fire hose with couplings, fire hose couplings, brass fire hose adapters, and pneumatic air hose. 业务:经销软管,连接器,及配件。进口:带软管接头的灭火水龙带,灭火水龙带软管接头,黄铜灭火水龙带适配器,耐压送风管。
- Not that garden spray nozzles are particularly new but as hose fittings they''ve come a long way since the technological achievements of the twist head sprayer. 化疗的过程异常艰难,反应一次比一次来得更猛烈,大把大把的脱发,间歇性的全身抽搐,白细胞还一个劲的下降。
- Our company mainly produces the Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) fire hose box, safety plan container, international shore conncetion box, foam applicator box and fire fighting equipment, etc. 本公司主要生产玻璃钢水龙带箱,安全图筒,国际通岸接头箱,泡沫浓缩液箱等消防器材储物箱。
- Can you fit the electric fire for me? 你能替我装上电炉吗?