- finitely additive measure 有限加性测度
- An additive measure, also called a fully additive measure, can be aggregated along all the dimensions that are included in the measure group that contains the measure, without restriction. 累加性度量值也称为完全累加性度量值,可针对包含度量值的度量值组中包括的所有维度进行聚合,没有任何限制。
- Extends the binary morphological rank operator to grey-scale images based on fuzzy logic and studies grey-scale morphological rank operators in a finite additive Abelian group. 在有限Abelian群中;基于模糊逻辑将二值形态学分级算子推广到灰度图像;研究灰度形态学分级算子.
- In addition measure range what the high power of 83750 and low harmonic function still increased scalar quantity system without parasitism trends. 此外83750的高功率和低谐波机能还增大了标量系统的无寄活跃态测量规模。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- Additional measures are urgently needed to ensure customer protection. 切实保护消费者的新措施急需出台。
- We need a yardstick to measure our performance by. 我们的表现需要一个检验的标准。
- That measure will be carried into effect very soon. 这项措施将在最近付诸实施。
- His resignation is a measure of how angry he is. 从他辞职一事可见其气愤的程度。
- Therefore, additional measures will be required to manage vehicle use and reduce emissions from road transport. 因此,有需要施行额外的措施来管理汽车使用及减少道路交通废气。
- Serial ATA technology provides additional measures of data accuracy and freedom from data corruption. Serial ATA技术为数据的准确性及免除数据损坏提供了更多的措施。
- finitely additive 有限加性的
- Can you measure accurately with this ruler? 用这把尺子能量得准吗?
- The measure fell in with popular demand. 这项措施符合人民的要求。
- Indeed,to the extent that additional measures need to be taken,can be taken to achieve this objective,the Government is determined to do so. 事实上,政府决意在必要时采取一切可行的额外措施,务求稳定物业价格。
- finitely additive class 有限加性类
- The measure was hung up for the session. 这项措施这次会上没有讨论。
- The point to emphasize here is that this is a model,a working hypothesis that must be rigorously tested by many additional measurements. 在这里要强调的是,这只是一个模型,一个有效的假说,还需要许多其他的测量来严格地验证。
- Some organizations may omit one or more of the fault tolerant measures shown in this figure, while other organizations may include additional measures. 一些组织可能会忽略此图中所示的一个或多个容错措施,而其他组织可能会采用额外的措施。
- finitely additive set function 有限加性集函数