- Containing relatively large isolated crystals in a mass of fine texture. 在一团光滑的结构中含有相对量较大的独立石英的
- A cotton cloth of fine texture, usually with a plaid, striped, or checked pattern. 马德拉斯布一种质地良好的棉布,通常带有格子、条纹或者有格子花纹图案
- Ceramic inner pot of fine texture, ideal for preparing delicious stews. 质密温润的骨瓷内锅,是您任何时候炖煮细腻醇和美食的首选。
- A cotton cloth of fine texture,usually with a plaid,striped,or checked pattern. 马德拉斯布一种质地良好的棉布,通常带有格子、条纹或者有格子花纹图案。
- Her skin has a fine texture. 她的皮肤细腻。
- Natural agate bracelet, the quality of the jade smooth delicate, pure color, fine texture, and sparkling! 天然玛瑙手镯,玉质光滑细腻,色泽纯正,质地优良,晶莹剔透!
- Dushan Jade bright color and fine texture, transparency and gloss, and high hardness. 独山玉色泽鲜艳,质地细腻,透明度和光泽好,硬度高。
- Works using natural green Jade sculpture, fine texture, a small fine, talented and very likable! 作品采用天然墨绿色岫玉雕刻,质地细腻,小巧精致,十分讨人喜欢!
- The wood is fine textured and straight grained. 木材质地精良、纹路笔直。
- The concentrated palate provides flavours of passionfruit and grapefruit, with a fine texture and long finish. 口感浓厚,并有百香果和柚子的味道,结构细腻,回味悠长。
- Material:green jade; Original Place:XinJiang. It is with fine texture,translucency and delicated carving. 材质:碧玉;产地:新疆。双童子拜观音。此产品质地华美。由北京玉器厂精雕。
- The ruby ring set with 18K gold and with diamond. It is of pink color,fine texture,translucency and delicated carving. 18K金托,宝石周围配小钻16粒,宝石呈粉色,整体通透无暇,刻面精细。
- Hard surface with fine texture, dust-proof, anti-bacteria, mothproof and easy cleaning. 表面坚硬细密、防尘、防霉、防菌、易冲洗。
- The cat's eye stone with 14K white-gold, which is fine texture,translucency and color. 14K白色黄金托,嵌钻石七颗;宝石底色通透,光线明亮。
- Sheer fine texture, luscious natural colour and unique light diffusing particles accentuate facial contour. 薄纱般幼细粉质,色泽自然甜美,独特的光影反射粒子,有效提升脸部立体感;
- Material:white jade; Original Place:XinJiang. The product is with fine texture,translucency and delicated carving. 材质:白玉;产地:新疆。此产品质地高雅,透彻,雕琢精细,是上等精品。
- One major agricultural product of Heilongjiang Province is the soya bean. The beancurd or tofu made in Harbin has a delicious taste and a fine texture. 黑龙江省盛产大豆,豆腐细嫩味美。
- The basket is carved with the best jadeite. It is the best ideal art. It is with fine texture, translucency and delicated carving. It reflects the scenery of four seasons. 此产品质地华美,透彻晶莹,价值连城,是雕琢高级艺术品最理想的原料,作品造型丰满,枝繁叶茂,利用翡翠的天然颜色,雕刻出四季长青、姹紫嫣红的景色。此产品由北京玉器厂特级美术大师肖培兰制作。
- Where extremely fine texture, silkness and great strength are desired, the cotton buyer may choose Sea Island staple or Egyptian cotton. 如果要求织物具有细密的质地、像丝绸一样的外观以及较高的强度,可以选择海岛棉或埃及棉。
- Where extremely fine texture, silkness and great.strength are desired, the cotton buyer may choose Sea Island staple or Egyptian cotton. 如果要求织物具有细密的质地、像丝绸一样的外观以及较高的强度,可以选择海岛棉或埃及棉。