- Blend country: Country eligible to receive financing from Both IBRD and IDA. 混合贷款国家:符合同时获得国际复兴开发银行和国际开发协会贷款的国家。
- Monopoly: Is a Malfunction from Market or Government? 垄断:是市场失灵还是政府失灵?
- financing from market 市场化投融资
- The community must separate research from market capitalization. 给企业另外的市场和机会!
- Financing from internal reserves and from extemal reserves are twobasic ways for an enterprise to accumulate fonds. 企业融资有内部融资和外部融资两种方式,内部融资主要是内部留存利润,外部融资主要是股权融资和债务融资。
- Don't ask for finances from the state. 不要伸手向国家要钱。
- GM's China business is self-sustaining and does not require financing from the struggling parent company in the US, Wale said. 甘文维称,通用中国运营"不差钱",无需母公司的资金援助。
- The reasons are historic.Before economic reforms began, state firms simply received all financing from the government budget and remitted any profit. 不过这是有历史原因的,经济改革之前,国有企业的资金全部来自政府预算,所有利润全部上缴。
- Competition view: The advantage comes from the difference and the success comes from market segments. 美生竞争观:优势来自差异,细分成就精彩。
- Methods Use SPSS EXCEL and other software to analyze the data collected from market research. 方法根据市场问卷调研,运用SPSS,EXCEL数据软件包及图表分析软件,对数据进行定量分析。
- Economists say, however, that the crisis is more likely to hurt countries such as Venezuela and Argentina that rely on financing from abroad, the cost of which may skyrocket. 不过经济学家们认为,这次危机更有可能对委内瑞拉、阿根廷等依赖向外融资的国家造成损害,危机将导致融资成本飞涨。
- Serve sale to study as from market sale study in derive , also is for market sale study extend. 服务营销学既是从市场营销学中衍生出来,也是对市场营销学的拓展。
- Bought lobster from market to make Roasted Lobster with Cheese, then bought France red wine. 到街市买了龙虾;实行芝士焗龙虾;想著就选了一枝法国红酒.
- Among the 43 samples purchased from market, 9 samples contained Sibutramine hydrochloride. 结果在抽取的43种市售产品中,有9种检出了盐酸西布曲明。
- Mr Ollila said: “We are surely benefiting from market growth that is pretty healthy. 奥利拉先生说:“我们确实正受益于相当健康的市场增长。
- Results: The honeyed folium eriobotryae from market were not uniform and general very low in quality. 结果:从市场上所购蜜炙枇杷叶质量参差不齐,普遍欠佳。
- I remember I watched this several years back - Swinging Bach live from Market Square in Leipzig. 这套芭蕾舞剧,全套四幕,第二幕后和第三幕后都有小休各二十分钟。
- Hynix's labor union consistently holds that Hynix must maintain its independence and retain its DRAM business with financing from the creditor bank. Hynix的工会一直坚持主张Hynix必须保持独立,在债权银行提供融资情形下保留dram晶片事业。
- The relaxation of this criterion will help homebuyers interested in acquiring older residential properties to obtain mortgage financing from banks. 放宽这项准则将协助有意购买楼较高物业的置业人士从银行取得按揭融资。
- ST estimate based on data from market research analysts In-Stat, Nexus and Yole Development. 如果您需要获得更多信息,请从"相关主题"菜单中选择适当的联系方式。