- To assist you with smart financial loan commitment, 2 hours for you to save grants, unnecessary costs. 协助您办理聪明理财贷款,承诺2小时内拨款,替您节省不必要的费用。
- S. dollars." Moreover, the list of Mizuho Corporate Bank, Shinsei Bank, the central Mitsui Trust and Banking, Japan's life insurance and other financial loans Heranzailie agencies. 此外,名单中瑞穗实业银行、新生银行、中央三井信托银行、日本生命保险等金融贷款机构都赫然在列。
- The same because the financial loan guarantee contract disputes, ST Kim, the new Henderson with another plaintiff, Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.Tai'an branches to reach an agreement. 同样因为金融借款担保合同纠纷,ST金泰、新恒基与另一原告,交通银行股份有限公司泰安分行达成和解协议。
- Financial Loan on Science and Technology 金融科技贷款
- Research into western county economy development and financial loan support 西部县域经济发展与金融信贷支持研究
- Loans for financial concerns shrank notably. 提供予金融机构的贷款显着下跌。
- He has a lot of financial worries at the moment. 他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事。
- He is an adventurer in financial field. 他是金融领域的投机者。
- We met some financial embarrassment. 我们遇到一些财务困难。
- His official designation is Financial Controller. 他的职称是财务总监。
- His financial affairs are in such a tangle. 他的钱财是糊涂帐。
- I am in charge of financial affairs. 我职掌财务。
- A financial favor, such as a loan. 贷款经济帮助,如一项贷款
- Their financial problems are public property now. 他们在经济上出现的问题现已尽人皆知了。
- They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis. 他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。
- Paying bills promptly is good financial practice. 及时付帐是理财的好习惯。
- I hear you are in poor financial straits. 我听说你处于经济困难之中。
- Mr Smith was hard hit by his financial losses. 史密斯先生深受经济损失的打击。
- His financial affairs are in bad condition. 他的经济状况很糟。
- The project is running into financial difficulties. 这一项目遇到了财务困难。