- Why would an undercapitalized financial firm take advantage of this offer? 为什么那些资本化不足的企业能够获益更多呢?
- Working for a major financial firm on Wall Street is the dream of many pragmatic Chinese undergraduates. 能够在华尔街的主要金融公司工作是很多实用主义的中国本科生的梦想。
- For example, a financial firm is not likely to abandon an important service provider for an unexpected, short duration server outage. 例如,一家金融公司不可能因为意外而短暂的服务器故障就舍弃一个重要的服务提供者。
- Investors in many countries are increasingly panicked, according to senior manager Martin Hannecke of the Hong Kong-based financial firm Tyche Group. 香港金融投资顾问公司桥川集团的高级经理汉内克认为,许多国家投资者的慌乱情绪在增长。
- Troubles at a once-highflying Chinese financial firm show there can be pitfalls as well as promise in private-equity investment in China. 中国一家一度蒸蒸日上的金融服务公司日前陷入了麻烦,这显示中国的私人股权投资业务在前途广阔的同时也布满陷阱。
- The best solution would have been for the government to have taken an equity or equity-related stake in every financial firm it helped when it bailed out the system last year. 对于政府而言最好的解决方式就是当去年救助金融体系时,在其帮助的每个金融公司都拥有一些股本或与股本相关的利益。
- The market is not being as beastly to other financial firms. 市场对其他金融公司并不是这么无情的。
- Some big financial firms, such as Prudential, have closed their research arms. 许多大金融公司,比如保诚集团,已经关闭了他们的研究部门。
- In a speech in July, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said: "We need to create a resolution process that ensures the financial system can withstand the failure of a large, complex financial firm. 财政部秘书亨利.;保尔森在七月的一次讲话中说:“我们需要建立一个决策过程,确保金融系统可以经受住一家大型综合的金融公司的倒闭。”
- Current " 0 interest rate borrow money " not authentic, but the formal operation as global banking firm, of the financial firm such as this the masses, cropland declare examine and approve. 目前的“零利率贷款”并不正宗,但随着通用金融公司的正式运营,大众、本田等金融公司的申报审批。
- If a borrower is delinquent in making timely mortgage payments to the loan servicer (a bank or other financial firm), the lender may take possession of the property, in a process calledforeclosure. 如果借款人拖欠的及时偿还抵押贷款的贷款服务商(银行或其他金融公司),贷款人可接管财产,在这个过程被称为赎回。
- So l do not expect to see too many bankruptcies of financial firms in the future and maybe there will be none. 因此我想,今后不会有太多的金融机构破产,也许就没有了。
- In downtown New York, there is a belt of land housing many famous financial firms and banks. 纽约市区有个地段座落着很多著名的贸易公司和银行。
- The distinctive feature of the City cluster is the pre-eminence of foreign financial firms. 金融城的优势在于拥有众多著名的国外银行。
- For his part, Sen.McCain has zeroed in on limiting compensation for executives of financial firms being bailed out. 麦凯恩方面也集中火力,要求限制那些获得政府拯救的金融公司管理人士的薪酬。
- Data flows to and fro between financial firms, exchanges, brokers, and, of course, market data consolidators/vendors. 数据从金融公司、交易所、经纪人和市场数据加工者之间流入或流出。
- CIT’s plight is meanwhile being used as ammunition in a rancorous debate over how to handle failed financial firms. 与此同时,在讨论如何处理倒闭的金融公司的话题时,CIT的困境被当作替罪羔羊。这样翻译有没有点啥问题呢?
- The White House hopes the fee will soothe the public's anger at financial firms. 白宫方面希望这样的收费决定能够平息公众对金融机构的怒气。
- National and international proposals to reform pay at regulated financial firms are similarly agnostic. 国家和国际对于监管金融机构薪酬改革建议同样是不可知论者。
- In respect of financial standing, this firm is reliable. 在资信方面,这家商行还是很可靠的。