- financial aid to agriculture 财政支农
- The university doesn't does not offer financial aid to international students. 大学不为留学生提供经济援助。
- Universities give scholarships and financial aid to help many who cannot afford the high tuition costs. 大学也会提供奖学金和财力支持给许多无法负担昂贵学费的学生。
- One may give financial aid to others in an emergency but should not do so if they are perennially in need of money. 救不救穷。
- The initiates gave additional financial aid to survivors such as Ms. Liana who had more serious physical problems. 对于那些像莲娜女士这样情况较严重的幸存者,我们又提供额外的经济资助。
- You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. 你有助于藉由在一个遥远的区域中提供对给一个孩子计画希望。
- The unversity dose university does not affor finanical offer financial aid to the international students. 学校里不向留学生提供财政帮助。
- A rural province in South Korea plans to give financial aid to help lonely male farmers pay for mail-order brides from overseas. 韩国庆尚南道省地方政府当日宣布,政府计划试行一项补助措施,在当地农村的单身汉们从国外“邮购”新娘时,替每人支付部分费用,约为600万韩元(约合6113美元)。
- Scholarships and fellowships do not have to be repaid either. A scholarship is financial aid to under graduates. A fellowship is for graduate students. 一般奖学金和友谊奖学金也不用偿还,一般奖学金是给本科生,而友谊奖学金是给研究生的。
- Scholarships and fellowships do not have to be repaid either. A scholarship is financial aid to undergraduates; a fellowship is for graduate students. 奖学金和助学金也不需要还款。奖学金是提供给大学生的金融援助,而助学金是提供给研究生的。
- He got financial aid to help pay for Yale, where he majored in economics and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and Skull &Bones. 他还获得了助学金,支付入读耶鲁大学的部分学费。在大学里,他主修经济学,并被吸收为大学生联谊会和骷髅会的会员。
- A list of American colleges and universities that offer financial aid to foreign students can be found at edupass.org -- e-d-u-p-a-s-s dot o-r-g. 外国学生是一笔宝贵的资产来源,特别是当州政府削减公立学院和大学的预算时,留学生的学费尤为重要。
- A list of American colleges and universities that offer financial aid to foreign students can be found at edupass.org, that's e-d-u-p-a-s-s dot o-r-g. 有些学生会受到本国政府或学校的资助,很少一部分接受美国政府的援助。
- We should give energetic support to agriculture. 我们要大力支援农业。
- The European Union says President Tandja's efforts to stay in power could threaten financial aid to one of the world's poorest countries. 欧盟说,坦贾总统尝试留任的行为可能威胁到尼日尔的财政援助,这个国家是世界上最贫穷的国家之一。
- Gamal Abdel Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal in reaction to a broken promise of Western financial aid to build the Aswan High Dam. Nasser)意图将苏伊士运河收归国有以反对西方停止为亚斯文高坝提供资金的行为,并因此引起的国际危机。
- The returns to agriculture have generally been low. 农业的利润通常是较低的。
- China has acceded to the International Convention on Stopping Terrorist Explosions,and signed the International Convention on Severing Financial Aid to Terrorism. 中国加入了《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》,签署了《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》。
- Forestry appertains to agriculture. 森林学和农学有关。
- Rich countries should give more aid to developing countries. 富有的国家应对开发中的国家多予援助。