- finance dual structure 金融二元结构
- Family law and state law coexisted to form a dual structure. 我国古代家族法与国家法并存,形成一种二元结构。
- The relationship between west dual structure and the new rural construction. 西部地区城乡二元经济结构与新农村建设。
- Structuralism philosophy is the impetus of dual structure theory changing. 二元结构理论产生和演进的内在动力是结构主义哲学。
- Social Security for urban and rural area Fusion should be fused with the disappearance of the Dual Structure . 随着城乡二元结构的消失,城乡社会保障最终要走向一体化。
- The dual structure in urban and rural economy has not yet been changed, the gap between regions is still widening and there are still quite a large number of impoverished people. 城乡二元经济结构还没有改变,地区差距扩大的趋势尚未扭转,贫困人口还为数不少;
- Except for the central uplifted area, the dual structure has the surface character of gradual descending from margin to center along the EW direction. 基底平面特性上除中央凸起外,呈现自东西两侧向中央逐步下降的三级构造格局;
- In giving moral education, the teacher, as the practical subject, has a dual structure of the substitutable subject and spiritual egoistic subject. 同时,在实施德育工作时,教师作为实践性主体又具有替代性主体与精神自我性主体的双重结构。
- Through the empirical analyses, the author concludes that a dual structure exists behind the sex composition of the employers in Taiwan. 透过实证资料的分析,本研究发现台湾雇主人口性别组成变迁的背后俨然呈现双元结构的特质。
- The dual structure in urban and rural economy has not yet been changed,the gap between regions is still widening and there are still quite a large number of impoverished people. 城乡二元经济结构还没有改变,地区差距扩大的趋势尚未扭转,贫困人口还为数不少;
- The coexistence of Social Security for urban and rural areas evinces the opposition of Dual Structure on urban and rural areas,and also the moving of agricultural manpower. 农村与城镇社会保障的并存反映了二元经济结构城乡对立关系,其对立性集中地表现在农业劳动力的转移上。
- China is the typical "dual structure", which means the coexist of industrialization and information, traditional politics and modern politics, cities and villages. 从中国来看,中国是典型的“二元结构”,即工业化与信息化并存,传统政治和现代政治并存,城市与乡村并存。
- Abstract: The coexistence of Social Security for urban and rural areas evinces the opposition of Dual Structure on urban and rural areas, and also the moving of agricultural manpower. 文章摘要: 农村与城镇社会保障的并存反映了二元经济结构城乡对立关系,其对立性集中地表现在农业劳动力的转移上。
- The Merchandise distribution of the Edo Period showed dual structures which were the domestic distribution and the regional distribution. 江户时代的商品流通,呈现着领国内流通和区域间流通双重结构态势,而大坂市场因其全国商品集散市场的功能,一直占据主导地位。
- Centering on the concept of aestheticization, this paper explores the issues of aesthetics interruption, cultural blind-spots, dual structure in art, and aesthetics restructuration. “审美化”概念涉及到韦尔施美学的审美中断、盲点文化、艺术的双重结构和重构美学等问题;
- He is a well-known expert in finance. 他是知名的金融专家。
- On the basis of historical analysis, I consider the present legislation and judicature in our country, and find that it is also the dual structure in imputative principle of environmental torts. 在对历史追溯的基础上,反思我国的立法和司法现状,发现其在环境侵权归责原则方面也同样呈现出二元归责的样态。
- She resigned as finance director. 她辞去财务主任职务。
- For this coincidence of history and present, I use the philosophical tool to dig the root.Finally, I find that the structure for imputative principle of environmental torts is eternal dual structure. 对于历史和现实的“默契”,通过哲学方法的深入分析,探究其形成的根本原因,使本人充分认识到,环境侵权归责原则体系是永恒的二元架构。
- The laval council finance the development of the marina. 开发小船坞的资金是由当地议会提供的。