- Final Form Text Document Content Architecture 最终格式文本文档内容结构标准
- FFTDCA Final Form Text Document Content Architecture 最终形式的文本文件内容体系结构
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
- Final Form Text 最终表格文件
- In its final form, a service is a program. 服务的最终形式为程序。
- The scriptis massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
- Forgiveness is the final form of love. 宽恕是爱情的最终形式。
- She made three different drafts of her speech before she had it in final form. 她起草了3篇不同的演讲稿,最后才定稿。
- Pass for press Authorised the final form of a publication for printing. 核准出版物的最后形式,授权印刷的情况。
- Pass for press: Authorised the final form of a publication for printing. 付印:核准出版物的最后形式,授权印刷的情况。
- The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries. 马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移
- Expanding Contracting Form Text Demo - This sample demonstrates a text effect whereby text drawn on the form expands and contracts (i.e., the width and height are continually increased then decreased). 这个示例演示了一个文本效果,绘制在窗体上的文本能扩张和缩短(例如,宽度和高度不断地增加然后减少)。
- A session of a U.S. congressional committee at which a legislative bill is put into final form. 最终审定美国国会委员会最终通过某项法律议案的一种会议形式
- A great scripting language runs on every popular operating system, is tuned for information processing (free form text) and yet is excellent at data processing (numbers and raw, binary data). 一种好的脚本语言应该可以运行在所有流行的操作系统上,适合信息处理(自由文本格式)和数据处理(数字与二进制数据)。
- The editor must approve the proofs of a book before it is printed in final form and sold to the public. 编辑对校样赞同之后一本书才可以完整付印,公开发行。
- Developers, on the other hand, often have no shortage of input into the product's final form and behavior. 另一方面,开发人员不乏对产品最终形式及行为的影响,
- However, other clauses such as ORDER BY and GROUP BY also affect the final form of the result set. 然而,其他子句(如ORDER BY和GROUP BY)也会影响结果集的最终格式。
- Publish as PDF or XPS: A new Microsoft electronic paper format for exchanging documents in their final form. 发布为PDF或XPS:新的Microsoft电子纸张格式,用于以文档的最终格式交换文档。
- This list, again, is developed over time as I work on the scenarios; what you see here is the final form of the list. 同样,这个列表是我在进行方案工作时逐渐开发出来的;您在这里所见的是该列表的最终形式。
- When the report is in its final form, you can use Report Designer to publish the report to a production server. 报表最终定型后,可以使用报表设计器将报表发布到生产服务器上。