- The Group declared a final dividend of HK2.9 Cents. 集团宣派末期股息2.;9港仙。
- The Group did not declare a final dividend. 集团不宣派末期股息。
- The Group declared a final dividend of HK0.5 Cent per share. 集团建议派发末期股息每股0.;5港仙。
- The Group declared a final dividend of HK2.2 Cents per share. 集团宣布派发末期股息每股2.;2港仙。
- The Group did not recommend payment of a final dividend. 集团不建议派发末期股息。
- The board did not recommend the payment of a final dividend. 董事会不建议派发末期股息。
- The Group declared a final dividend of HK1.0 Cent per ordinary share. 集团董事会建议派发末期股息每股普通股1.;0港仙。
- This growth momentum was derived mainly from an increased market share, with both CRT monitors and LCD monitors enjoying similar growth. The Group declared a final dividend of HK1.2 Cents. 增长来自市场份额进一步扩大;映像管显示器及液晶体显示器均取得程度相约的增长集团宣派末期股息每股1.;2港仙。
- When calculating the dividend yield,one should add both the interim and final dividends to arrive at the annual di-vidend. 计算股息率时,一年的总股息包括了中期和年终股息。
- When calculating the dividend yield, one should add both the interim and final dividends to arrive at the annual di-vidend. 计算股息率时,一年的总股息包括了中期和年终股息。
- A company usually pays dividends twice a year,one declared during the in-terim results (known as interim dividend) and the other during the final results (final dividend). 一间公司通常一年里会派息两次,一次在中期业绩时(称为中期 股息),而另一次在年终业绩时(年终股息)。
- A company usually pays dividends twice a year, one declared during the in-terim results (known as interim dividend) and the other during the final results (final dividend). 一间公司通常一年里会派息两次,一次在中期业绩时(称为中期股息),而另一次在年终业绩时(年终股息)。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- If you wish to receive only cash for the 2007 Final Dividend and for future final and interim dividends declared after the 2007 Final Dividend, you do not need to take any action. 閣下如欲只以現金方式收取2007年度末期股息及繼2007年度末期股息之後宣派的末期及中期股息,則閣下無須採取任何行動。
- A company usually pays dividends twice a year, one declared during the in-terim results (known as interim dividend ) and the other during the final results (final dividend). 一间公司通常一年里会派息两次,一次在中期业绩时(称为中期股息),而另一次在年终业绩时(年终股息)。
- He was consuming his final libation. 他正在喝着他的最后一杯酒。
- The dividend pay is equivalent to one quarter of the pretax profit. 所付股息相当于税前利润的四分之一。
- A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. 几句笑话会给你的演说添些生气。
- The play is notable for the pathos of its final scene. 该剧以最后一场的哀婉动人而著称。
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。