- "Lipton lawyers in 1982 created a hostile takeover bid against the poison pill. 利普顿律师于1982年创造了针对恶意收购的毒丸计划。
- This booking-only system enables SNCF to fill over 80% of seats on average. 这个只是订票的系统使得SNCF平均上座率超过了80%25。
- A suicide pill is a term for any high-risk poison pill strategy that may discourage a potential acquirer but also place the takeover target under severe financial pressure. 自杀毒丸是指风险很高的毒丸策略,它可能会挫败潜在收购者的企图,但也会使收购目标面临严峻的财务压力。
- Poisonous pill plan is one kind is lost to recombine means. 毒丸计划是一种负向重组方式。
- Citi's executives argued that the rare provision was not a classic “poison pill” designed to thwart takeover attempts because it would not be triggered if the bank received a bid. 花旗高管辩称,上述罕见措施并不是那种阻碍收购企图的“毒丸计划”,因为即使花旗收到一份收购提议,也不会触发此项措施。
- If it does end up converting its bonds and taking an 18% stake in Rio, Chinalco's presence will present a poison pill to any potential acquirer: Strike one for Rio's minority shareholders. 如果中国铝业公司最终将债券转换为股份,持有力拓18%25的股权,那么中国铝业公司就有实力对任何潜在收购方实施毒丸:这会是对力拓少数股东的第一个打击。
- I took a sleeping pill and soon came over drowsy. 我吃了一片安眠药,很快就昏昏欲睡了。
- Poison pills is one strategy used to defend against hostile takeovers. 使用毒药是一种抵御侵略的策略。
- Spoon the filling over the prepared base.Cover and refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. 铺入乳酪馅盖好放入冰箱冷藏4小时或隔夜。
- This thesis analyzes the mechanism,class ification and wealth effects of poison pills in takeover bids. 该文对毒丸计划的机理、种类和财富效应进行了分析。
- Self-interest makes it worry about its energy-hungry model and fearful that people may rebel over poisoned rivers and filthy air. 利己主义使中国担心本国的高耗能模式,并担心人民因为受污染的河流和肮脏的空气而造反。
- "As a cesspool filled over a number of years is difficult to clean, similarly, whoever is full of impurity is difficult to make pure. 正如积聚多年的粪坑,这样的有罪之人难以净化。比丘们啊!
- Brickley J,Coles J,Terry R.Outside Directors and the Adoption of Poison Pills[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1994,35. 高明华;马守莉.;独立董事制度与公司绩效关系的实证分析[J]
- However, SINA board can issue poison pills without consulting shareholders (10-Q, p.43). SINA's WOFE structure could also complicate a takeover. 新浪有可能会启用“毒丸”来应对收购而无须征求股东的意见,另外新浪WOFE的结构设计也会使收购变得复杂。
- But citizens' furor over poisonous infant formula and the seemingly blatant failure of regulation in the milk industry overshadowed all those tragedies. 然而,真正激怒人们的,是随之而来的毒奶粉事件,为这个看似公开的牛奶业的制度性失误笼罩上了悲剧的阴影。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- Proposals to scrap poison pills became a regular feature on annual proxy votes, often garnering the support of enough shareholders to make a difference. 年度代理投票中屡见要求废除毒丸策略的提案,股东中对此持支持态度者人数之多,足以扭转局面。
- It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire. 填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。