- file separator character 文件分隔记号
- Provides a platform-specific volume separator character. 提供平台特定的卷分隔符。
- You can display code levels without a separator character. 您可以显示没有分隔字符的代码级别。
- A delimiter, a character that separates units of data in storage or transmission, ("a file separator","a field separator"). 一种定界符,即在存储和传输中分隔数据单元的一种字符(文件分隔符、字段分隔符)。
- A delimiter, a character that separates units of data in storage or transmission, (“a file separator”,“a field separator”). 一种定界符,即在存储和传输中分隔数据单元的一种字符(文件分隔符、字段分隔符)。
- Before the file opens, you may be asked to select which separator character will separate one column from another in your address list. 在文件打开之前,可能会要求您选择使用什么分隔符将地址列表中的各列彼此分隔开。
- The stylesheet attempts to guess the file separator for your system by querying. 和其他属性试图猜测系统所用的文件分隔符。
- This worksheet is unbound. To import it, open the file separately. 此工作表未联系,如果要输入,请分别打开文件。
- Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a separator character. 指示指定字符串中位于指定位置处的字符是否属于分隔符类别。
- User is allowed to upload more files separately. 用户可以上传更多的独立档案。
- Method to search for the first non-neutral culture to use to determine the proper separator characters. 方法搜索第一个特定区域性以确定正确的分隔符字符。
- And integer list (integer list field: A type of field whose content is a list of whole numbers separated by the list separator character, typically a comma. 域和整型列表(整型列表域:其内容为用列表分隔符(通常为逗号)分隔的整数列表的域类型。
- I will leave you to do any swizzling of names and file separators in what follows, so that the programs work correctly on your system. 随后的所有调整名称和文件分隔符的工作留给您完成,以便程序能在您的系统上正确地运行。
- The following example creates a string from two existing string objects and a separating character. 下面的示例会使用两个现有字符串对象和一个分隔符创建一个字符串。
- The static and dynamic adsorption law and chromatographic separation character of flooding system of Shengli petroleum sulfonate (SLPS) and assistant surfactant have been studied. 主要针对胜利石油磺酸盐与助表面活性剂的二元驱体系中,研究其在油藏条件下,驱油体系的静、动态吸附规律与色谱分离特征。
- In this paper, a new method of image denoising is presented ,which is built upon the ideas of Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW) encoder and separate character of signals and noises. 该文在自适应树小波萎缩法的基础上,结合小波系数的零树编码思想和小波变换的信噪分离特性给出了一种新的小波消噪算法。
- GDB allows you to put a program's debugging information in a file separate from the executable itself, in a way that allows GDB to find and load the debugging information automatically. GDB允许你将调试信息从可执行程序中分离出来,放置在一个文件中,在某种程度上让GDB可以自动查找并载入调试信息。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁带或磁盘文件的标识说明记录。
- Package level protection does not include protection of checkpoint files and you must secure these files separately. 包级别的保护不包括保护检查点文件,必须单独保护这些文件。
- I saw the policemen file away a moment ago. 刚才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。