- C Exception Expr: List file not found in '../Data/Model. axp' 请高手帮帮忙。。。。。。。常常被踢出游戏。。郁闷啊。。。
- Delete Sentry control file not found. 岗哨级回收文件没找到。
- Capture Filter file not found or incompatible file. 找不到捕获筛选程序文件或文件不兼容。
- File not found or no read permission. 找不到文件或没有读取权限。
- PIF file not found or bad file format. 找不到PIF文件或文件格式错误。
- Channel Template File Not found or have no access! 我的频道模板文件都存在请问是什么原因?
- The specific reason the bind failed, such as "file not found" or "version mismatch". 绑定失败的具体原因,例如“未找到文件”或“版本不匹配”。
- Source file not found: [2]. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it. 没有找到源文件:[2]。请确认文件存在,并且您可以访问该文件。
- Q5.24: When I try to do a binary update, there are many messages with "File not found" or "Couldn't stat package source list file". Q5.;24:当我进行二进制升级的时候;有很多"File not found"和"Couldn't stat package source list file"错误。
- The Web server returns the "HTTP 404 - File not found" error message when it cannot retrieve the page that was requested. Web服务器在无法检索到所请求的页时,返回“HTTP 404-File not found”错误信息。
- He has mixed with crowd together but has not found. 他已同人群混杂在一起而找不到了。
- Include file not found Include. 指令中的文件找不到。
- Exception string: The specified event source not found. 异常字符串:未找到指定的事件源。
- The manager did not find her latent abilities. 经理没有发现她潜在的才能。
- Terrorists will not find a safe haven here. 恐怖分子在这里将找不到安身之处。
- She feared that she might not find him in his room. 她担心可能在他的房间里找不到他。
- He is flat broke and cannot find a job anywhere. 他身无分文,又求职无门。
- Duplicate filename or file not found 文件名重复或文件找不到
- That valour which is not found on prudence call rashness. 未经深思熟虑的勇武只能称作轻率。
- Invalid filename of file not found 文件名无效或文找不到