- The slave owners forced the slaves to fight against each other in the wrestling ring. 奴隶主强迫奴隶在角斗场上自相残杀。
- The region was loaded with bandits, with Mafia partisans fighting against each other and endangering everybody else in the process. 这一带多的是强盗,多的是互相残杀的黑帮游击队员,这就给普通老百姓带来了威胁。
- Some countries which fought with each other in World War II fought against each other in the Cold War. 有些在二战中并肩作战的国家在冷战中却互相进行争斗。
- Some countries who fought with each other in World War II fought against each other in the Cold War. 有些在二战中并肩作战的国家在冷战中却互相争斗。
- During the time when warlords were fighting against each other, they collected taxes by exploiting the masses. 军阀混战时期,军阀们所收的捐税大多是通过搜刮民财得到的。
- A medieval martial sport in which two groups of mounted and armored combatants fought against each other with blunted lances or swords. 马上比武一种中世纪的军事运动,两组骑在马上戴有盔甲的武士用钝长矛和剑互相战斗。
- The functions of the prosecuting and defending fighting against each other play a very critical role during the proceedings of the trial, which is the core mechanism of the trying procedure. 控辩职能对抗运作机制在审判程序尤其是庭审过程中具有十分重要的作用,是审判程序运作的核心机制。
- The two wrestlers squared away against each other. 两个摔跤运动员摆好架势,准备交手。
- Two armies were pitted against each other. 两军对垒。
- They constantly intrigued against each other. 他们之间彼此耍阴谋。
- He played his two opponents against each other. 他操纵他的两个对手互相敌对
- fight against each other 互相开战
- The Shanghai and Tianjin teams are to play off their tie against each other the coming Sunday. 打成平局的上海队和天津队将于星期天再次举行比赛,以决胜负。
- They leaned against each other on rubbery legs. 他们腿脚发软,互相依靠着。
- Two houses are over against each other. 两幢面对面的房子。
- The duet of him and Zhou Yu expressed their treasuring of each other, as well as their spirit of united to fight against Cao. 在剧中他与周瑜的一段“以琴会友”的戏,其实是在表现英雄惜英雄,大家团结抗敌的精神。
- Sometimes the policies work against each other. 有时候,这些政策又会起互相抵消的作用。
- The gears work against each other. 齿轮互相磨损
- The fight against each "encirclement and suppression" campaign constitutes a counter-campaign,which usually comprises several or even scores of battles,big and small. 反对一次“围剿”是一个战役,常常由大小数个以至数十个战斗组织而成。
- I have to play him off against each other. 我必须和他一较长短。