- Our policy was to give him tit for tat and to fight for every inch of land. 我们的政策是针锋相对,寸土必争。
- Our policy is to give him tit for tat and to fight for every inch of land. 我们的方针是针锋相对,寸土必争。
- Our policy also was set long ago -- to give tit for tat, to fight for every inch of land. 我们的方针也是老早定了的,就是针锋相对,寸土必争。
- Our policy is to give tit for tat and fight for every inch of land; We will never let the Kuomintang easily seize our land and kill our people. 我们是针锋相对,寸土必争,绝不让国民党轻轻易易地占我们的地方,杀我们的人。
- And isn't that why we work so hard now, why we fight for every inch, scrambling our way up in undignified fashion? 不正是我们不择手段向上爬的原因吗?
- And isn't that why we work so hard now,why we fight for every inch,scrambling our way up undignified fashion? 那不正是我们今日辛苦工作、分毫必争的原因吗?不正是我们不折手段向上爬的原因吗?
- The police examined every inch of the house for clues. 警方为寻找线索彻底检查了整所房子。
- Our soldiers disputed every inch of ground. 我方战士寸土必争。
- The soldiers contested every inch of ground. 士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。
- Now, every square inch of land is utilized. 现在连巴掌大的地方都利用上了。
- Let them do their worst-we'll fight them every inch of the way. 随便他们干什么坏事吧,我们一定和他们拼到底。
- Cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, taxis, rickshaws, cows, donkeys, and dogs jostle for every inch of the roadway as horns blare and brakes squeal. 车子、卡车、公车、摩托车、计程车、人力车、牛群、驴群,还有狗群在喇叭声响和尖锐煞车声中争夺每吋道路。
- Now they fight for every transaction. 现在他们为争夺所有的交易。
- The two armies are contesting every inch of ground. 两军正争夺每一寸土地。
- An inch of land values an inch of gold. 寸土寸金
- It's not light for every inch's time. 一寸光阴不可轻。
- The enemy contested every inch of the ground. 敌人寸土不让。
- Hausser's veteran units, such as II Parachute Corps and the 352nd Infantry Division, made Lieutenant-General Omar Bradley's First US Army pay for every inch of terrain it captured. 豪塞尔的老兵们,比如第2伞兵军和第352步兵师,使得奥马尔布莱德利中将的美军第1集团军每前进一步都要付出代价。
- We should defend every inch of our territory. 我们要捍卫每一寸国土。
- We disputed every inch of the ground. 我们寸土必争。