- At fifty years of age he was a miserable old man. 五十岁的时候,他成了一个可怜的老头。
- By then he was more than fifty years of age. 到那时,他已经五十多岁了。
- He was some fifty years of age, and his popularity was at its height. 他年纪五十上下,声望也达到了顶点。
- The man was a good fellow till he was about fifty years of age; then a rot set in,now he's in gaol. 那个人到50岁左右一直是个好人,后来他受了一连串的挫折,终于进了监牢。
- The man was a good fellow till he was about fifty years of age;then a rot set in, now he's in goal. 那人50岁之前一直是个好人,后来他碰到一连串倒霉的事情,现在蹲监狱了。
- The man was a good fellow till he was about fifty years of age;then a rot set in, now he's in gaol. 那个人到50岁左右一直是个好人,后来他受了一连串的挫折,终于进了监牢。
- Count all the men from thirty to fifty years of age who come to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting. 从三十岁直到五十岁,凡前来任职、在会幕里办事的,你都要数点。
- Count all the men from thirty to fifty years of age who come to serve in the work in the Tent of Meeting. 从三十岁直到五十岁,凡前来任职、在会幕里办事的,全都计算。
- All the men from thirty to fifty years of age who came to do the work of serving and carrying the Tent of Meeting. 从三十岁直到五十岁,凡前来任职,在会幕里作抬物之工的,共有八千五百八十名。
- The man was a good fellow till he was about fifty years of age;then a rot set in,now he's in gaol. 那个人到50岁左右一直是个好人,后来他受了一连串的挫折,终于进了监牢。
- The man was a good fellow till he was about fifty years of age;then a rot.set in,now he's in gaol. 那个人到50岁左右一直是个好人,后来他受了一连串的挫折,终于进了监牢。
- She was slightly over fifty years of age, handsome, and garbed in the orange robe of a nun. 这位妇女大约五十出头,落落大方,身穿橘红色的僧袍。
- The man was a good fellow till he was about fifty years of age; then a rot set in, now he's in gaol. 那个人到50岁左右一直是个好人,后来他受了一连串的挫折,终于进了监牢。
- He was a strongly made man with dark curling hair, from forty-five to fifty years of age. 这人身体结实,深色鬈发,年纪在四十五至五十。
- He was a man about fifty years of age, who had a preoccupied air, and who was good. That was all that could be said about him. 他是个五十左右的人,神色忧虑而性情和好。我们能说的只是这一点。
- Fifty years of ever-brightening Science! 那科学不断光耀的五十年!
- Fifty years of pteridology in China. 五十年来的中国蕨类植物学.
- Fifty years of ever-broadening Commerce! 那贸易不断扩大的五十年!
- The prize was up for grabs to anyone under16 years of age. 任何16岁以下的人都可以参加这场奖品的争夺。
- The child is six, going on seven years of age. 这个孩子现在六岁,快到七岁了