- fieldbiased betatron 附加励磁电子感应加速器
- In the betatron, a single magnetic field is harnessed for both purposes. 在电子感应加速器中,同一个磁场用于两种目的。
- This thesis introduces in detail how to keep betatron electron track radius invariable in two conditions of typical magnetic field distribution. 导出了两种典型磁场分布情形下,电子感应加速器中电子轨道半径保持恒定所满足的具体条件。
- Maxwell hypothesis, compare induced electric field with static electric field, induced electromotive force. Eddy current, betatron. 麦克斯韦假设;感生电场与静电场的比较;感生电动势;感生电动势的应用;涡旋电流;电子感应加速器。
- Autin B. Nonlinear betatron oscillations[A].AIP Conference Proceedings 153,Physics of Partide Accelerators[C].SLAC:SLAC Summer School,1985. 非线性自由振荡[A].;国际加速器物理会议文集153;粒子加速器物理[C]
- Additionally, it also describes the measurement of the influence of DC clearing electrodes on the betatron tune shift and gives, some measurement results. 同时还进行了清洗电极对工作点的影响的测量。给出了一些测量结果,测量结果与理论计算值相当吻合。
- A short-cut method for the solution of the betatron oscillation in particle accelerators is developed to obtain its smooth term and quick oscillation term in whatever order of accuracy desired. 本文提出加速器自由振荡近似解的简便方法,按规律能直接写出任何级近似解,并分出光滑项与快振荡项,该法可令计算机直接输出任何级近似解的公式;
- Abstract: Digital signal processing (DSP) is widely used in the field of beam diagnostics.Especially, DSP achieves very good performance in beam position signal analysis and betatron tune measurement. 摘要: 数字信号处理技术在现代束流诊断中有成熟的应用,特别是在束流位置检测器信号分析和工作点测量时有优越的性能。
- resonance excitation of betatron oscillations 自由振荡共振激发
- Betatron Stochastic Cooling in HIRFL-CSRm 振荡随机冷却
- In the betatron, a single magnetic field is harnessed for both purposes 在电子感应加速器中,同一个磁场用于两种目的。
- fieldbiasedadj. 有极化场的(场强分量不变的)
- 94. The betatron and synchrotron tunes are measured frequently during the period of the machine operation and machine studies. 在加速器的运行和机器研究过程中;需要经常对束流振荡频率进行测量.
- Betatron tune; 工作点;
- betatronn. β加速器(一种磁感应电子加速器)
- betatron acceleration 电子回旋加速
- betatron effect 电子回旋加速效应
- betatron frequency 电子感应加速频率
- betatron generator 电子感应加速器
- betatron heating 电子回旋加热,电子感应加热