- In British army a field marshal ranks above a general. 在英国陆军中,元帅的军衔比上将高。
- French field marshal who commanded the Allied armies in France during World War I. 霞飞,约瑟夫·雅克·塞泽尔1852-1931法国野战军团元帅,在第一次世界大战中他指挥在法国的盟军
- In 1919 he was created a Field Marshal and ennobled. 1919年,他成为陆军元帅并被封为爵士。
- German field marshal noted for brilliant generalship in North Africa during World War II (1891-1944). 二战中,在北非以出色的指挥才能著称的德国最高级的陆军将官。
- I drove to Alton in Hampshire to see Field Marshal Lord Montgomery at Isington Mill,his little country home. 我驱车前往汉普郡的奥尔顿,去陆军元帅蒙哥马利勋爵在艾辛顿米尔的乡间小宅探望他。
- When he covered the German surrender to Field Marshal Montgomery in May 1945,he felt obliged to point out that the document had the wrong date on it. 1945年5月,当他报道德军向陆军元帅蒙哥马利投降时,他感到有责任指出投降书上的日期写错了。
- German field marshal in World War II who directed the conquest of Poland and led the Ardennes counteroffensive (1875-1953). 二战中德国最高陆军元帅,他指挥了攻克波兰的战役并领导了阿登尼斯反击战。
- Among the bad oil paintings were one by Churchill and one by Field Marshal Alexander. 在那些拙劣的油画中,一幅是丘吉尔画的,一幅是亚历山大陆军元帅画的。
- Bernard Montgomery (1887-1976), British field marshal, who was one of the leading Allied commanders of World War II. 伯纳德 - 蒙哥马利(1887-1976),英国陆军元帅,二战期间盟军领导人之一。
- Field Marshal Keitel described her appearance during an interrogation at Nuremberg. 在纽伦堡一次提审时,凯特尔元帅描述了她的形象。
- Field Marshal Manstein again gathered his panzer fire brigade to stabilize the front. 曼施泰因元帅再一次聚集他的装甲部队投入前线。
- Field Marshal Model offer ed Iron Crosses and two weeks' leave to any of his men who could retake the hill. 陆军元帅莫德尔提供了铁十字勋章,以及再坚持两星期要求给高地收复部队。
- German Field Marshal Rommel wrote: It may be modern warfare has never happened: to prepare such a hasty and inadequate. 德军元帅隆美尔写道:这可能是现代战争中从来没有发生过的事情:准备如此仓促和不足。
- He sacked Rundstedt for the last time on March 10, replacing him with Field Marshal Kesselring, who had held out so stubbornly arid long in Italy. 3月10日,他最后一次再把伦斯德革职,换上来的是在意大利长期苦战坚守的凯塞林元帅。
- A similar practice was used in the German Army, allowing Colonel Generals to wear four pips on the shoulder board when engaged in duties befitting a Field Marshal. 德国陆军也曾一度采用过相似的做法,允许担任元帅级别职务的陆军大将佩带四星肩章。
- Field Marshal Erich von Manstein now started to muster his panzer strike force to seal the gap in the line and defeat the Soviet tank armies. 埃里希冯曼施泰因元帅现在开始集结他的装甲部队来应付前线的混乱局面并且计划击败苏军坦克集团军。
- Both Rommel and his direct superior Field Marshal Rundstedt, Commander-in-Chief in the west believed that the Allies would land on Calais. 隆美尔和他的直接上级隆施泰特元帅(德国西线总司令)都认为盟军将在加莱登陆。
- As a field marshal from 1784, he introduced reforms in the army, built the harbor of Sevastopol, and constructed a fleet in the Black Sea. 他从1784年起担任陆军元帅,在军队中进行改革,建立了塞瓦斯托波尔港,并在黑海建立了一支舰队。
- Battle of Lund: A Danish army under the command of King Christian V of Denmark engages the Swedish army commanded by Field Marshal Simon Grundel-Helmfelt. 1676年的隆德之战:一支在丹麦克里斯蒂安五世率领下的丹麦军队与在陆军元帅西蒙·格兰岱尔-汉姆菲尔特指挥下的瑞典军队交战。
- Field Marshal William Slim in Burma made this kind of mental leap when he learned to find and exploit the advantages of jungle warfare and turned the tables on the Japanese. 陆军元帅威廉姆·斯利姆在缅甸学习发现和探索丛林带来的便利后实现了这种思维的跳跃,成功扭转了对日本人的劣势。