- An insurance contract is uberrimae fidei. 保险合同是最坦率诚实的。
- There are different opinions on the problem whether the possessio bonae fidei is indispensable in the system of title by prescription. 内容提要: 时效取得制度是否以善意占有为要件,存在不同观点及立法例。
- Pope Leo X conferred the title of \'Defender of the Faith\' (Fidei Defensor) on England\'s Henry VIII for his book supporting Catholic principles. 教皇利奥十世将“捍卫信仰”的称号授与出书支持天主教教义的英国享利八世。
- I will bring this part of my confessio fidei to a conclusion by quoting three propositions from Wittgenstein, who is not generally regarded as a friend of theologians. 大体说来,维根斯坦并不是神学家的朋友,他曾经提出三个命题,我愿意在结束这部分我对信仰作出剖白之时,引用他那三个命题。
- By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it’s more reasonable not to take the possessio bonae fidei as the constitutive element of the system of title by prescription. 权衡利弊,不以善意占有为要件的时效取得制度更为可取。
- By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it is more reasonable not to take possessio bonae fidei as the constitutive element of the system of prescription acquisition. 权衡利弊,不以善意占有为要件的时效取得制度更为可取。
- In the past ten years, the Doctrine of Utmost good faith (Umberrimae Fidei) had for seven times been arranged as the core of discussion of the international maritime law conferences. 在最近10年召开的国际海事法律会议中,最大诚信原则已7次被列为会议讨论的核心。
- Uberrimae fidei of the utmost good faith 最诚信的
- contract ubrrimae fidei [法] 诚实信用契约
- contractus bonae fidei [法] 善意契约
- Promoter Fidei devil's advocate
- fidei defensorn. 护教者
- Fidei 菲代