- Fiction is a poor surrogate for real experience. 小说中的事远逊于实际体验。
- He rendered up his life for the revolution. 他为革命献出了自己的生命。
- I prefer non-fiction to fiction. 我喜欢散文类的作品,不喜欢小说类的。
- In fiction behaviour should proceed from character. 在小说中人物的行为应该切合人物的性格。
- It is30 year since he joined the revolution. 从他参加革命以来,有30年了。
- Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction. 现实生活有时比小说还离奇。
- The revolution overthrew the monarch. 这场革命推翻了君主。
- The French Revolution ushered in a new age. 法国大革命开创了一个新时代。
- Hemingway and Steinbeck were masters of fiction. 海明威和斯坦贝克是小说大师。
- Those people go around preaching revolution. 那些人到处宣扬革命。
- This book intermingled fact with fiction. 这本书事实和虚构情节交织。
- His account of the crime was a complete fiction. 他所讲述的那种罪刑完全是虚构的。
- The revolution set the country on the road to democracy. 这场革命把国家引上了通往民主的道路。
- It's important to distinguish fact from fiction. 把现实与虚构区分开来是很重要的。
- English revolution of 1688 was before the time of Queen Anne. 1688年的英国革命发生在安妮女王时代之前。
- An irreversible momentum toward open revolution. 朝向公开革命不可逆转的势头
- The Nanchang Uprising marked a new stage for the revolution. 南昌起义标志着革命进人了新阶段。
- The newspaper's account of what happened was a complete fiction. 报纸对所发生事情的报导完全是捏造的。
- The science fiction film had some marvellous special effects. 这部科幻电影有些特殊效果美妙绝伦。
- One revolution of the earth around the sun take a year. 地球绕太阳运行一周需一年时间。