- Can inhibit platelet aggregation, and reduce fibrin, but also can inhibit the in vivo toxicity index of cohesion from the role of fibrin, and can inhibit thrombin-induced fibrin thrombus formation. 可以抑制血小板凝聚,并使血纤维蛋白减少,还可以抑制体内毒索引起纤维蛋白的凝聚作用,并可以抑制凝血酶引起的血栓纤维蛋白的形成。
- Small fibrin thrombi can form in small arteries of brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs to produce ischemic tissue damage. 小纤维蛋白血栓可在脑、心脏、肺、肾以及其它器官的小动脉中形成,引起组织缺血。
- fibrin thrombus 纤维蛋白血栓
- Fibrin is the main part of thrombus,many thrombolitics effection is dissolve the fibrin in blood. 纤维蛋白是血栓的主要组成部分,溶栓药物能溶解血栓主要是溶解血栓中的纤维蛋白。
- The white arrow marks a renal vein thrombus. 白色的箭头指示肾静脉血栓。
- Because fibrin is a of thrombus important part, so, basically use the remedy of deliquescent fibrin at present, undertake dissolve bolt is treated. 由于纤维蛋白是血栓的一个重要成分,所以,目前主要使用溶解纤维蛋白的药物,进行溶栓治疗。
- This fibrin and platelet thrombus in a small peripheral artery in the heart is characteristic for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. 血栓性血小板减少性紫癜的特征性表现是心脏外周小动脉形成由纤维蛋白和血小板组成血栓的形成。
- Fibrin is a protein that encourages blood to clot. 纤维蛋白是一种促使血液凝固的蛋白。
- Is cerebral thrombus regnant cure plan? 脑血栓系统治疗方案?
- What is thrombus sex external piles is embedded? 什么是血栓性外痔嵌顿?
- Snake poisons can be used to prevent thrombus. 蛇毒可以用来防治血栓形成。
- These lines represent layers of red cells, platelets, and fibrin which are layed down in the vessel as the thrombus forms. 这些线代表数层细胞,包括红细胞层,血小板层及纤维蛋白层,它们以血栓的形式存在于血管内。
- Thrombus precursor Protein is direct former of fibrin in thrombosis with insolubility,of which the increased level indicate the danger of acute thrombosis. 血栓前体蛋白是血栓中不溶性纤维蛋白的直接前体,水平升高提示有急性血栓形成的危险,因其对急性血栓具有较高的诊断特异性而受到重视。
- The pericarditis here not only has fibrin, but also hemorrhage. 图示心包炎时不但有纤维素形成,而且还有出血。
- Platelet and fibrin (SEM). By permission of Kurt E.J. Dittmar. 血小板和纤维蛋白(扫描电镜)
- The breakdown of fibrin,usually by the enzymatic action of plasmin. 纤维蛋白溶解纤维蛋白的溶解,通常通过胞质素的酶促作用完成。
- MPR could display mural thrombus, flap, true and false lumen. MPR可较好显示附壁血栓 ,真假腔和内膜片 ;
- It appears pink because it is composed of fibrin and platelets. 此物呈现红色,因为其是由纤维素和血小板构成的。
- Local caliber of vein thrombus in 6 cases was evidently broadened. (4)6例静脉血栓局部的管径明显增宽。
- Fibrinolytic enzymes are agents that dissolve fibrin clots. 纤维蛋白溶解酶是溶解血纤维蛋白凝块的药物。