- Cashmere: Animal-hair fibre forming the downy undercoat of the Kashmir goat. 山羊绒:构成喀什米尔山羊绒毛层的动物纤维,属于特种动物毛纤维。
- Cashmere: Animal-hair fibre forming the downy undercoat of the Kashmir goat. 山羊绒:构成喀什米尔山羊绒毛层的动物纤维,属于特种动物毛纤维。
- Hybrid polymerization is able to form polymer alloy or IPN structure in situ and makes the product more flexible in their properties. 混杂聚合能够在原位形成高分子合金,并有可能得到互穿网络结构(IPN),从而使聚合产物具备较好的综合性能。
- Lacteal house-owner wants to wait by gland body, tracheal, adipose organization and fibre form. 乳房主要由腺体、导管、脂肪组织和纤维组织等构成。
- The new machinery and accessories for fiber production, form polymer production to fiber process, showed in the ITMA 2003 are indroduced. 介绍了ITMA 2 0 0 3上展示的用于纤维生产的新型设备及其附件 ,涉及从聚合物合成到纤维后加工全过程。
- Finally, in multinuclear macrocyclic polyamine derivatives, we found that cyclen-based oligomers form polymer complex with DNA, thus protect DNA from enzymatic degradation efficiently. 在多核大环多胺方面,我们合成了基于大环多胺的寡聚物,研究发现该类物质可与DNA形成复合物,从而有效地保护DNA免于酶解。
- Oxidization of each two thiol end groups leads to a disulfide bond (-S-S-), which enables us to slowly crosslink the PS star chains in THF solution to form polymer clusters, then gel. 利用激光光散射研究了四臂聚苯乙烯在亚浓溶液中氧化交联生成大的胶束进而生成宏观化学凝胶的过程。
- It can spray adhesive discontinuously and continuously respectively at Iow, medium or high speed with its adhesive in fibre form, smooth,strong adhesive force and evenly distributed.3. 3、高强度耐磨不锈钢喷嘴,耐用性强,采用多层过滤技术,最大程度上防止堵塞。
- Keywords chitosan;gelatin;glutinosity;blending;fibre forming; 明胶;壳聚糖;粘度;共混;成纤;
- The vinyl silazane (VL20) is a kind of liquid ceramic precursor.The VL20 and thiol compounds can photopolymerize quickly under photoinitiator and form polymers. 乙烯基硅氮烷(VL20)是一种液态陶瓷前驱体,在光引发剂存在下与巯基化合物快速发生光聚合反应。
- Moreover, the serotonin-immunoreactive varicose fibres form thick neural network in the central body surrounding neuropils and the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG). 5-HT阳性反应在柄、侧副叶、脑前桥侧髓和中央体的大部分及其周围的前脑髓区最强,并且5-HT阳性纤维在中央体周围的髓区和咽下神经节处形成了密集的网络。
- A molecule that can combine with others to form a polymer. 单体可以与其他分子结合形成聚合物的分子
- I love my country with every fibre of my being. 我深爱我的祖国。
- Fructose forms polymers called fructosans, which include INULIN, an important storage polysaccaride in the Asteraceae. 果糖形成的聚合物称为果聚糖,如菊糖,它菊科植物中一种很重要的贮藏多聚糖。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- Scientists are recommending that people eat more fibre. 科学家建议人们多吃些纤维素。
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
- Selfishness in any form is my pet aversion. 我最讨厌自私自利,不管它以什么形式出现。