- The rate of dystocia in fetal macrosomia increased obviously compared with ... 结论对巨大胎儿应避免困难的阴道助产,适当放宽剖宫产指征。
- The rate of Prgnancy-induced hypertension syndrome,polyhydramnios,dystocia,fetal death,stillbirth,fetal macrosomia increased owing GDM. 糖尿病对妊娠的影响可使妊高征、羊水过多、难产、死胎、死产、巨大儿等发生率增加.
- The dystocia occurred easier in the fetal macrosomia group than in the control group. 巨大胎儿组较对照组易发生难产。
- Conclusions: The antenatal care is reinforced during the pregnancy to prevent occurrence of the fetal macrosomia. 结论:加强孕期监护可预防巨大胎儿的发生。
- The caesarean section rate for breech presentation,scar uterus,fetal macrosomia,multiple pregnancy was 97.9%, 97.3%, 74.0%, 73.9% respectively. 其中臀位的剖宫产率为97.;9%25;疤痕子宫的剖宫产率为97
- Methods:We analyzed 144 fetal macrosomia in the diagnose Ms,delivery mode and complications, and compared them with those in normal weight fetus. 方法回顾分析144例巨大胎儿诊断、分娩方式及并发症,并与胚胎正常体重及分娩情况进行比较。
- Methods: We analyzed 198 fetal macrosomia in the diagnosis,delivery mode and complications and compared them with those in normal weight fetus. 方法分析198例巨大胎儿诊断、分娩方式及并发症,并与单胎正常体重儿分娩情况进行比较。
- BMI of pregnant women delivering normal weight fetal were compared with BMI of pregnant women delivering low weight fetal and fetal macrosomia. 结果:孕期体重指数随孕周的增加而增加,且与新生儿出生体重保持着恒定的正相关关系。
- Methods: We analyzed 198 fetal macrosomia in the diagnosis, delivery mode and complications and compared them with those in normal weight fetus. 结果 巨大胎儿剖宫产组较阴道分娩组新生儿窒息率及产伤机会均明显降低,巨大胎儿与正常体重儿相比难产率明显升高。
- Results: The chance of asphyxia and getting hurt during cesarean section were less than those in vaginal delivery for fetal macrosomia. 结果巨大胎儿剖宫产组较阴道分娩组新生儿窒息率及产伤机会均明显降低,巨大胎儿与正常体重儿相比难产率明显升高。
- Methods Clinical data of 4 436 cases of labour in this two years were analyzed retrospectively, including 193 cases of fetal macrosomia. 方法对近两年的分娩总数4436例,其中巨大胎儿193例,进行回顾性分析。
- Results : The chance of asphyxia and getting hurt during cesarean section were less than those in vaginal delivery for fetal macrosomia. 结论 若产前诊断可能是巨大胎儿,为降低难产发生率,可适当放宽剖宫产指征。
- ObjectiveTo explore the causes,prenatal diagnosis,delivery modality and complications of fetal macrosomia so as to prevent and decrease the complications of mothers and neonates. 目的探讨巨大儿发生原因、产前诊断、分娩方式及并发症,以期进行早期预防,降低母婴并发症。
- Objective: To investigate the prenatal diagnosis and delivery mode for fetal macrosomia in order to reduce the rate of dystocia and the complications in both mothers and neonates. 目的探讨巨大胎儿的产前诊断及分娩方式,减少难产的发生,降低母儿并发症。
- Methods:The relationships between HSTT,AC,femur length(FL),biparietal diameter(BPD)and birth weight of fetal macrosomia were measured respectively in 88 suspected fetal macrosomia. 方法:(1)应用B超对88例临床诊断为巨大胎儿的HSTT、AC、股骨长(FL)和双顶径(BPD)进行测量,并与新生儿出生体重的关系进行分析。
- Poorly controlled gestational diabetes is associated with an increase in the incidence of preeclampsia polyhydramnios fetal macrosomia birth trauma operative delivery and neonatal hypoglycemia. 控制不好的妊娠期糖尿病与先兆子痫,羊水过多,巨大儿,产伤,手术分娩,和新生儿低糖血症的发生率升高有关。
- Objective: To investigate the way of fetal macrosomia delivery anti the supervision, investigate the relevant factors for macrosomia diagnosis and to reduce the complications of mothers and infants. 摘要目的:分析巨大胎儿的分娩方式与孕期监护管理,寻找准确诊断巨大儿的相关因素,降低母婴并发症。
- Objective To explore the causes, prenatal diagnosis, delivery modality and complications of fetal macrosomia so as to prevent and decrease the complications of mothers and neonates. 摘要目的探讨巨大儿发生原因、产前诊断、分娩方式及并发症,以期进行早期预防,降低母婴并发症。
- Results:The rate of fetal macrosomia,neonatal asphyxia,hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy and cesarean section in the study group were significantly higher than those in the control group. 结果:糖耐量降低组巨大儿、新生儿窒息率,合并妊娠期高血压疾病、剖宫产率明显高于正常组,糖耐量降低组孕妇年龄较大,孕前体重较重。
- Abstract: Objective: To investigate the prenatal diagnosis and delivery mode for fetal macrosomia in order to reduce the rate of dystocia and the complications in both mothers and neonates. 摘 要: 目的 探讨巨大胎儿的产前诊断及分娩方式,减少难产的发生,降低母儿并发症。方法 分析198例巨大胎儿诊断、分娩方式及并发症,并与单胎正常体重儿分娩情况进行比较。