- fetal cell free DNA 胎儿游离DNA
- But with the advent of fetal cell research, the practice has reached a whole new level. 但是,随着胎细胞研究的到来,实际应用已达到了全新的水平。
- Detection of peripheral blood of early pregnancy women for the presence of fetal cell. 早孕期母血循环中胎儿细胞的检测。
- Results The plasma free DNA concentration of most lung cancer patients was above microgramme level. 结果大多数肺癌患者的血浆游离DNA的浓度在微克水平以上。
- Fetal cell microchimerism is associated with some maternal autoimmune diseases, such as systemic sclerosis. 胎儿细胞这种微嵌合性与一些 母体自身免疫性疾病有关,如系统性硬化症。
- Free circulating DNA is one kind of extracellular free DNA, which was examined in the zoology, botany and the human's body fluid. 摘要游离循环DNA是一种细胞外游离状态的DNA,在动植物及人的体液中都检测到了它的存在。
- We herein reported that the apoptosis of mouse liver cell nuclei triggered by c ytoc hrome C in cell free system, which was based on the carrot cell extracts. 用胡萝卜细胞胞浆制备的非细胞体系中,加入纯化的小鼠肝细胞核并以细胞色素C诱导细胞核发生凋亡。
- Researchers are producing clones from fetal cells with relative ease. 科研人员现在能相对轻松地用胎细胞来培育克隆。
- The assay is based on the observation that complexes of protein and DNA migrate through a non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel more slowly than free DNA fragments or double-stranded oligonucleotides. 该检测观察的基础是:蛋白与DNA的复合体在非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶中的迁移速率大大低于DNA片段或双链寡核苷酸的迁移速率。
- Factors that may influence such fetal cell microchimerism include histocompatibility, fetal or placental abnormalities, or a reproductive history that includes miscarriage or elective termination. 可以影响胎儿细胞这种微嵌合状态的因素有很多,包括: 组织相容性、胎儿或胎盘的异常,还有异常的妊娠史如流产和选择性终止妊娠等。
- The SOD activity in cell free extracts from two strains of Escherichia coli and eight strains of Salmonella (including seven strains of S. typhi and a strain of S.typhimurium)was detected by the inhibition of nitro tetrazolium(NBT)reduction. 方法:采用NBT还原法检测2株大肠杆菌和8株沙门氏菌(其中7株伤寒沙门氏菌、1株鼠伤寒沙门氏菌)无细胞溶解物中SOD活性。
- Some researchers asserted that Dolly was derived from embryonic or fetal cells from ewe. 推测多莉是由胚胎细胞产生 ,并非体细胞本身克隆所致。
- The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and lysozyme (LSZ) in cell free haemolymph of juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor were tested by fed different kinds of CHCs continuously after 47d. 将以上中草药添加到杂色鲍幼鲍的人工配合饲料中 ,连续喂饲幼鲍 ,饲养 4 7d后 ,测定幼鲍无细胞血淋巴中超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、酸性磷酸酶 (ACP)、碱性磷酸酶 (AKP)、溶菌酶(LSZ)活力。
- The present of fetal cells can be better acquired in transcervical aspiration than ranscervical lavage. 结论 经宫颈获取的胎儿细胞可以应用于非创伤性产前诊断,经颈管抽吸粘液法能比经颈管冲洗法得到更多的胎儿细胞。
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- In the mid-1950s it was found that fetal cells in the amniotic fluid could be used to determine fetal sex and blood type. 在50年代中,人们发现羊水中的胎儿细胞能用来确定性别和血型。
- Application study on size-fractionated separation fetal free DNA from maternal plasma 孕妇外周血中游离DNA分级分离方法的应用研究
- Detecting fetal cells from maternal blood, non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, and gene detecting technique are also used for a population screening program. 从母血中检测胚胎细胞的无创伤性产前诊断技术和基因检测技术也已用于人群筛选项目。
- Fetal microchimerism has also been confirmed in circulating immune cells of mothers.Whether these fetal cells are helpful or hurtful may vary in different people or circumstances. 母体血液中的免疫细胞里也发现了胎源微嵌合,这些细胞究竟是帮手还是凶手,也许会因人因和状况不同而有差异。
- The theory is that because these stem cells are fetal cells, they are designed to proliferate and give rise to new tissue, which means they have the potential to produce tumors. 由于那些干细胞来自胎儿,它们本来就是要通过自身繁殖来形成新的人体组织,因此理论上它们具有产生肿瘤的潜在可能。