- Continual unbalanced fertilization practices degrade the soil resource base and create a downward spiral of less and less production potential. 长时间的不平衡施肥措施是土壤资源退化,并产生一个生产潜力越来越低的恶性循环。
- Results showed that whatever fertilization practices in this study could promote nitrogen uptake,improve the N accumulation rate and increase its remobilization to fruit. 在施等量氮素养分条件下,草莓器官的氮素吸收状况对不同氮肥品种反应不一。
- Despite these advantages, common fertilization practice has resulted in large inefficiencies. 尽管有这些优点,但常见的施肥措施造成尿素肥效不高。
- Effects of Mg,Mo and Mn application on the character and yield of soybean were investigated in Heihe,in order to obtain optimum fertilization practice. 试验证明了在黑河地区的土壤条件下施用镁、钼、锰肥对大豆性状和产量的影响,为大豆的合理施肥提供依据。
- Do some fertilization for the garden! 给花园施些肥料吧!
- Currently, the common fertilizer practice is application of 200kg N/ha alone with 16.5 t manure/ha. 当前一般的施肥措施是在施16.;5吨/公顷有机肥后仅施氮200公斤/公顷。
- Our future plans must mesh with existing practices. 我们未来的计划必须与当前的实践相合。
- A man who practices a craft with great skill. 手艺人熟练使用某种手艺的人
- SSNM could decrease N rate to a greater extent without any sacrifice in grain yield, when compared with farmers' fertilizer practice (FFP). 与农民习惯施肥方法相比,实地氮肥管理在产量不降低甚至有所提高的前提下可以较大幅度地降低施氮量。
- A person who practices veterinary medicine. (兽医)从事兽医医学实践的人
- She practices her religion piously. 她是一个虔诚的宗教信奉者
- The young girl practices the violin every day. 这小女孩每天练习拉小提琴。
- He practices as a lawyer in Hong Kong. 他在香港当律师。
- None of these practices is justifiable. 这些做法全都不合理。
- Effect of irrational fertilization practices on rice biomass production, nutrient uptake capacity and grain yield 不合理施肥对水稻生物产量、养分吸收量和产量的影响
- Gestation extends from fertilization to birth. 妊娠期系指从配种到分娩之间的时间。
- A woman who practices sorcery; a witch. 巫婆搬弄巫术的女人; 巫婆
- We should increase organic manure, limit mineral fertilizer application, improve fertilizing practice, perform irrigation and drainage scientifically, and undertake rational rotation in the future. 建议采取限制化肥用量,增施有机肥,改进施肥技术,科学灌溉,合理轮作等措施,改良温室土壤。
- The product of fertilization is the zygote. 受精的产物是杂合子。
- It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices. 必须清除官僚习气。