- A female bee, wasp, or other insect that produces fertile eggs without copulating. 单性生殖雌虫雌性蜂、黄蜂或其它不用交配即能产卵的昆虫
- It was found that the egg diameter(D) showed a ten dency to relate positively to the body size of the egg laying females, and was correlated negatively with the field sea water temperature (t), being fitted by D=atb. 卵径大小(D)似与产卵雌体大小呈正相关; 而与海区水温(t)呈负相关,并可拟合为D=a·t~b。
- a female bee,wasp,or other insect that produces fertile eggs without copulating 单性生殖雌虫雌性蜂、黄蜂或其它不用交配即能产卵的昆虫
- The fertilized eggs will yield female bees, and the unfertilized eggs will yield males. 受精卵会发育成雌蜂,而未受精卵则发育为雄蜂。
- Hatchling sex ratio at this beach possibly depends on the date of egg laying. 雉龟的性别比则可能受到产卵的时间所决定。
- An approximate anatomy of the fertile egg is shown in the accompanying notes. 附带注解中显示了受精卵的大致构造图。
- The lack of a good nesting spot can cause some females to withhold egg laying, with dangerous consequences. 因为没有良好的产卵地点的话会使某些雌性拒绝产卵,而这会导致危险的后果。”
- Egg laying peaks are found twice a day. One is at dawn and the otherafter the activity peak in the evening. 蚊群当黄昏活动高峰后和黎明时各出现一次产卵高峰。
- An animal developed from a fertilized egg. 动物由受精卵发育而成的动物
- Egg laying peaks were twice a day. One was at dawn and the other after the activity peak in the evening. 每d有两次产卵高峰,分别为黎明和夜晚活动高峰后;
- Female mosquitoes -- males do not bite people -- need human blood to develop fertile eggs. 雌性蚊子-雄性蚊子不会咬人-需要人类的血来丰富它的卵。
- So a fertilized egg is an example of totipotency. 所以受精卵是一个全能干细胞的例子。
- Egg-bore diseases are those which are transmitted from the infected dam to the newly hatched offspring by means of the fertile egg. 凡能从感染母鸡通过受精蛋传给所孵出后代的疾病,称为蛋媒疾
- A hollow muscular organ located in the pelvic cavity of female mammals in which the fertilized egg implants and develops. 子宫女性哺乳动物体内位于盆腔里的中空的肌肉器官,受精卵可在里面生长发育
- That is a result calculated by the scientific research department through mutual modification of breeding rate, egg laying rate, hatchability and survival rate surveyed. 这是科研部门用测得的繁殖率、产卵率、孵化率、成活率等因素互为修正得出的结果。
- The fertilized egg of a vertebrate animal following cleavage. 胚胎卵裂后的脊椎动物的受精卵
- Undergoing partial cleavage. Used of a fertilized egg. 偏裂卵的部分分裂的。用于指受精卵
- After that, I'll be viewing the fertilized egg of an ostrich. 然后我还要去察看鸵鸟的受精卵。”
- Nine blood biochemical indices of White Leghorn Line S220 chicks at age of 8 and 12 weeks were tested. The phenotypic and genetic correlations between these indices and egg laying performance as well as heritabilities of these indexes were estimated. 测定了8、12周龄S220母雏9项血液生化指标,估测其遗传力及其与产蛋性能间的表型相关和遗传相关。
- An approach of grading fertile eggs based on computer vision was pres ented. 提出一种利用计算机视觉对种蛋进行筛选的方法。