- This paper discused the GLEEBLE simulation experiment of IF steel rolled in ferrite region. 利用Gleeble热模拟试验机对IF钢铁素体区轧制的变形抗力进行了试验研究。
- The microstructure,texture and mechanical proprerties of an ELC steel and an IF steel both produced by hot rolling in ferrite region,cold rolling and annealing were compared. 研究了经铁素体区热轧、冷轧和退火生产的ELC钢和IF钢的组织、织构及性能。
- The results showed that the IF steel has better deep drawability,higher mechanical and texture strength and elongation if the hot rolling temperature was low with big reduction in ferrite region. 结果表明,较低的铁素体轧制温度和较高的铁素体区压下量时,IF钢具有更高的深冲性能、相对较高的强度、延伸率以及织构强度。
- Rolling of IF Steel in Ferrite Region 铁素体区轧制生产IF钢
- Effect of Annealing Temperature on Texture of Cold-Rolled IF Steel Rolled From Strip Hot-Rolled in Ferrite Region 退火温度对铁素体区热轧IF钢冷轧板织构的影响
- Most insect do not live in polar region. 大多数的昆虫不在极地地区生存。
- The earthquake may cause a region to fall in. 地震可以使一个地区下陷。
- Effect of Cold Rolling Reduction on Drawability of Hot Rolled IF Steel Sheet in Ferrite Region 冷轧压下量对铁素体区热轧Ti-IF钢冷轧板深冲性能的影响
- Storms spring up easily in this region. 这个地区很容易发生风暴。
- Texture Formation of IF Steel Sheet Hot-Rolled in Ferrite Region and Its Transformation During Cold-Rolling and Annealing 铁素体区热轧IF钢冷轧退火时织构的形成与演变
- He is earning a salary in the region of25,000. 他当时的薪金在25,000英镑左右。
- A storm that cut off power to the whole region. 切断了整个地区电力供应的暴风雨
- A planar region bounded by a circle. 圆形区,圆形空间被圆所包围的一个平面区域
- A vineyard or wine-producing region in France. 克鲁法国的葡萄园或葡萄酒生产区
- Food and fuel were scarce in this region. 这地区食物和燃料都很缺乏。
- There used to be a military base in the region. 这地区过去有个军事基地。
- He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
- I have a pain in the lumbar region. 我腰部疼痛。
- During deformation, the ferrite grains nuc... 碳含量提高有利于铁素体晶粒细化。
- There used to be a lot of troubles in that region. 那个地区过去动乱不已。