- Sufu is the traditional fermented soybean curd cheese with a delicious flavour and rich nutrition in China. 腐乳是中国传统发酵豆制品,具有风味良好,营养丰富等特点。
- fermented soybean curd cheese 腐乳
- Fermented soybean curd, a highly flavoured and nutrition food,is a traditional Chinese fermented food and are widely consumed by the world. 腐乳是我国传统的发酵豆制品,以其独特的风味、丰富的营养等特点受到很多国家的推崇。
- Fermented soybean curd, a highly flavoured and nutrition food, is a traditional Chinese fermented food and are widely consumed by the world. 摘要腐乳是我国传统的发酵豆制品,以其独特的风味、丰富的营养等特点受到很多国家的推崇。
- Developing and Prospects of Fermented Soybean Curd 腐乳的研究概况与发展前景
- functional fermented soybean curd 功能性豆腐乳酱
- The effect of microbial strains on the isoflavone content of fermented soybean curd during the first fermentation period 菌种对腐乳前发酵过程中大豆异黄酮含量的影响
- He sat down again, and showed them how to make curd cheese. 啊!外乡人又坐下来,教他们如何做凝乳奶酪。
- Study on the changes of content and form of isoflavones in fermented soybean curd during its second period of fermentation 腐乳后发酵过程大豆异黄酮含量与存在形式的研究
- She prefers fresh curd cheese. 她爱吃新鲜凝乳制的奶酪。
- soybean curd, soybean cheese whole-set equipment 豆腐、豆乳整厂设备
- When salt-coagulants: malt dextrin was 1:3, the quality of instant soybean curd was better. 盐类凝固剂:麦芽糊精为1:3时,所得的即食豆腐脑产品较好。
- Tofu we often eat is made from soybean curds. 我们经常吃的豆腐就是用黄豆磨成的。
- The content of the short peptide increases in the fermented soybean, which enabled it a unique flavor and texture. 大豆蛋白经微生物作用后短肽的含量增多,使其具有了独特的风味和质构。
- Body moisture content of the turtleseemed to be inversely related to the fermented soybean meal content of the turtle. 体组成方面,则甲鱼之体水分含量与饲料中发酵豆粉含量呈现相反的关系;
- The effects of salt-coagulants embedment ratio on instant soybean curd strength, water losing rate and organoleptic evaluation were studied. 摘要研究了盐类凝固剂的不同包埋比例对即食豆腐脑的凝胶强度、失水率及感官评定得分的影响。
- Sufu and lobster sauce are Chinese traditional fermented soybean products, which are fermented by microorganisms. 腐乳和豆豉是中国的传统发酵豆制品,它们都是大豆经微生物发酵酿制的产品。
- Additionally, more than three thousand years ago, Chinese people used moldy soybean curd as a poultice for boils and other skin infections. 此外,早在三千年之前,中国人已使用发霉的豆腐作为膏药来治疗烫伤及其他各类皮肤感染。
- Sucrose, honey, lactobiose and glucose were added in producing fermented soybean milk. 在酸豆奶制作中,分别添加蔗糖、蜂蜜、乳糖、葡萄糖,观察它们对酸豆奶感官品质的影响。
- Vegetarians will recognize tempeh, a fermented soybean cake that is often used in place of meat. 素食者们以后将会认可豆豉,这是一种经常用来代替肉类的发酵豆粕。