- Feminist movement was deeply rooted in schools. 妇女运动基本上是在校园中扎根的。
- The book covers the feminist movement. 这本书探讨女权主义运动
- She followed the feminist movement. 她支持女权运动。
- She was eager to submerge herself in the feminist movement. 她迫切希望献身女权运动。
- She followed the feminist movement; The candidate espouses Republican ideals. 她支持女权运动;这个侯选人支持共和党人的观点。
- These developments came to a head in the feminist movement of the 1960s. 这些发展则在1960年代的女性主义运动中趋于成熟。
- While controversy and misunderstanding regarding feminism will continue, so will the feminist movement in its many permutations. 虽然对争取女权运动的争议与误解仍难平息,但是争取女权主义的运动也必将呈现出更多样的变化。
- The 1911 Revolution kindled a feminist movement which focused on equal rights for men and women and participation by women in political affairs. 辛亥革命兴起了以实现男女平权、争取女子参政为主要目标的女权运动。
- In 1963,Betty Friedan,who was called "Mother of the Second Feminist Movement",published Feminism Mystique. 1963年;被称为第二次女权运动之母的贝蒂.
- X League proposed legal act to protect women rights during maternity which was paradoxical in terms of feminist movement taking place later. X协会倡导用法律手段保护怀孕期间的妇女,这种荒谬的想法被后来的女权运动取代。
- In this social context, women in the family requests have equal status with men, are increasing, the feminist movement began to grow. 在这种社会背景下,妇女要求在家庭中具有同男子相等地位的呼声越来越高,女权运动开始萌芽。
- Following a defiant reassertion of the natural look spearheaded by the feminist movement, we are now seeing a swing in favour of smooth. 经过妇女运动领导反抗,重新主张崇尚自然外貌之后,现在看见钟摆再摆回支持光滑。
- While feminist theories have surfaced from time to time in history, the modern feminist movement's roots are in the Age of Enlightenment with its principles of individual justice. 随着历史的变迁,女权的理论也随之变化,而现代女权运动则是产生于注重个人公正的启蒙时代。
- She championed women's causes like legal abortion and increased representation in public office, and became one of the leaders of the new feminist movement. 她带头支持合法堕胎、支持增加在政府部门的女性代表等妇女平等的事业,并成为新女权运动的领袖之一。
- This mode of writing is not a possibility before the flourish of the feminism, so it can be regarded as a reflection of the achievement of the feminist movement. 这种写作方式在女权意识蓬勃发展之前是不可能出现的,因此,法默的作品正是女权运动的成果的反映。
- It helped inspire the worldwide feminist movement and the resistance to communist authoritarianism that climaxed in the vast, peaceful revolutions of '89. 它鼓舞了世界性的女权运动,并且鼓励反共产主义威权,在八九年扩大而非共化革命达到巅峰。
- When the feminist movement burst forth a couple of decades ago, the goal was not just to join 'em -- and certainly not just to beat 'em -- but to improve an imperfect world. 当女权主义运动爆发几十年前,我们的目标不仅仅是要加入她们--当然也不是要打击她们--而是攺善这个不完美的世界。
- As a product of feminist movement at a certain stage,the concept of social sex has a revolutionary positive significance. On the other hand, it has the limitation of its time and will surely make a turn to post-modernism on the impact of post-modernism. “社会性别”概念作为女权主义运动中一定时期的产物,既具有革命性的积极意义,也必然有其时代的局限性,并在后现代主义的影响下发生了向后现代主义的转向。
- In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement,historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods. 而这个得以纠正的方程式就其本身而言也只是一个不完美的近似值,趋近于无穷无尽的一整套量子场论方程式。
- Lesbians gave crucial -- and overwhelming -- support, creating a lasting bond between two communities that had diverged as lesbians increasingly identified with the feminist movement. 女同志作了重要--和绝大多数--支持,创造一个持久的债券两个族群之间的分歧的女同志,因为越来越多的认同女权运动。