- Meanwhile, a hotline numbered12338 has been opened to female migrant workers. 此外,专为进城打工妇女提供咨询服务的热线电话已开通,号码为12338。
- Meanwhile, a hotline numbered 12338 has been opened to female migrant workers. 此外,专为进城打工妇女提供咨询服务的热线电话已开通,号码为12338。
- TITLE of PAPER Made in China: precarious employment and female migrant workers in the age of globalization. 中国制造:全球化时代不稳定的就业与外来女工。
- We should help them know themselves better and live a good life," said the vice president, noting that some young female migrant workers have low awareness of their own health. 莫主席说:“我们应该帮助这些女性更好的了解自己,更好的生活。”她指出,一些低龄女性对自己这方面的健康意识相当淡薄。
- "We should help them know themselves better and live a good life," said the vice president, noting that some young female migrant workers have low awareness of their own health. 莫主席说:“我们应该帮助这些女性更好的了解自己,更好的生活。”她指出,一些低龄女性对自己这方面的健康意识相当淡薄。
- female migrant worker 打工妹
- A migrant worker was drifting town from town, in search of work. 一个外来工在各个城镇四处奔走,寻找工作。
- The World Bank study found that, in Pakistan, the effect of having a migrant worker in the family was to increase female enrolment in schools by asas 54 per cent, compared with7 per cent for boys. 研究发现,在巴基斯坦,家庭中拥有一名移民工人会将女孩入学率提高多达54%25,而男孩仅为7%25。
- Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work. 流动工人为了寻找工作从一个城市移居到另一个城市。
- Migrant worker's Health Related Quality of Life is evaluated by NHP. NHP量表评价农民工人群的健康相关生命质量。
- Migrant worker as a social class hold rights titled by laws with sacrosanctity. “农民工”作为一个阶层依法享有法律赋予的各项权益,这些权益神圣不可侵犯。
- Old Zhao, in his 50’s, is a poor migrant worker slaving away in Shenzhen. 老赵与老刘同为远赴深圳的打工仔,老刘因意外死在工地,老赵决定护送好友回故乡安葬。
- Female migrant workers 外来女工
- Encamp migrant workers near the fields. 使流动的工人在田野附近扎营
- The migrant workers squatted on the unused farm. 流动工人们擅自占用了未曾使用过的农
- These migrant workers are constantly moving. 这些流动工作到处移动。
- The phenomenon of mass female migrant partners from Southeast Asia is one of the ways that Taiwan society deals with labour shortage and population ageing problem. 这样的婚姻移民会影响到台湾本身的劳动市场,本文认为外籍新娘在台湾的劳动市场一方面扮演了全国经济的补充性劳动力,另方面则扮演了新生劳动力再生产的角色。
- I saw these flyers for migrant workers in Colombia. 我看到哥伦比亚招移民工人的小广告。
- Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation. 流动工人易受剥削。
- A migrant worker siting on his own luggage, in a hall, is helplessly reflecting on his future. 一个农民工在大厅坐在自己的包裹上无助地静思着自己的未来.