- Don't be cruel to animals. They are our fellow creatures. 不要虐待动物,它们是我们的伙伴。
- Love for one's fellow creatures imbues every line of the drawing. 这张画的每一根线条都浸透着这种感情。
- The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them,but to be indifferent to then. 我们对别人所犯的最大的罪过不是怨恨他们,而是对他们漠然处之。
- Philanthropy is the refuge of people who wish to annoy their fellow creature. 博爱主义,是那些存心和自己的同类过不去的人的避难所。
- If conditions had remained thus, man might have been no more aggressive than his fellow creatures. 假如现在还有这样的条件,人类就不会比其他动物更加好斗。
- Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.--James Anthony Froud. 只有人类才从折磨以及同类的死亡中寻求快感。
- The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them:that's the essence of inhumanity. 对待他人的最大罪恶不是“狠”,而是“冷漠”,“冷漠”才是不人道的本质。
- "The fact is, we should not live by the suffering of fellow creatures," says Wendy Higgins of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection. 英国取消动物解剖联合会的温迪 - 希金斯说,“我所主张的是,我们不应该将生命建立在其他生物的痛苦上。”
- Watching me share my own food with my fellow creatures, the villagers became curious, smiled strangely and whispered to one another. 村民看到我的举动以后,都露出好奇的表情及诡异的笑容,并互相窃窃私语。
- The man who regards his own life and that of his fellow creatures as meaningless is not merely unhappy but hardly fit for life. 将自己的生命和同胞视为没有意义的人,不但不快乐,而且没有能力生活。
- The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity. 我们对作为同类的其他人所犯下的最大罪过不是憎恨,而是漠不关心,那是不近人情的本质。
- The worst Sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them,but to be indifferent to them, that's the essence of inhumanity. 我们对别人所犯的最大罪过不是怨恨他们,而是对他们漠然处之,这就是残酷不仁的本源所在。
- The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them,but to be indifferent to them;that's the essence of inhumanity. 对待他人,最坏的不是憎恨人家,而是冷淡人家;这是最不人道的行为。
- The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them,but to be indifferent to them:that's the essence of inhumanity. 对待他人最大的罪恶不是"恨";而是"冷漠";"冷漠"才是最不人道的本质.
- Naturally I felt abashed when I compared myself with my fellow creatures on the street, who had adapted themselves to the change of the season. 如今穿了这件夜游的敞袍,在大街上阔步,于前后左右的和季节同时进行的我的同类一比,(叙述)我哪得不自惭形秽呢?(表态)
- "You may create lots of splashes in yourlife, but the waves that come from those splashes will disturb thepeace of all your fellow creatures," he said. 他说:“在生命的水面上,你也许能激起许多波纹,而你所激起的波纹也会打破别人的平静,”
- Man is a cultural animal,and the use of language is indispensable for a human being to learn about himself,understand his fellow creatures,and comprehend Nature. 人是文化动物,因此运用语言文字是任何一个人在学习认识自我,理解他人和了解自然的过程中都不可或缺的条件。
- Many sociologists, who understand everything except their fellow creatures, are bewildered and saddened by the ubiquitous passion among the mob for betting and gambling. 许多社会学家无所不知,唯独对其同胞有所不知,被民众当中普遍存在的爱赌如命弄得手足无措和灰心丧气。
- "You may create lots of splashes I your life, but the waves that come from those splashes will disturb the peace of all your fellow creatures," he said. “生活中,你可能会激起很多波纹,这些波纹会打破周围的平静。”他说。
- Man is a cultural animal, and the use of language is indispensable for a human being to learn about himself, understand his fellow creatures, and comprehend Nature. 人是文化动物,因此运用语言文字是任何一个人在学习认识自我,理解他人和了解自然