- Wire feeding speed can be adjust. 送线速度可微调。
- Uniform and stable wire feeding speed which ensures fast and reliable ignition. 送丝速度一致、平稳,保证起弧快捷、可靠。
- Servo drive suction feeding section with variable feeding speed to ensure positive and smooth feeding. 伺服电机传动吸气送纸部可任意设定送纸部和主机之速度差,确保送纸顺畅。
- Designed system can control the rotation speed of pneumatic motor effectively and thus get the adjustable feeding speed of the thread. 实验表明:该控制系统可有效控制气动马达转速,得到可调节的喂丝速度。
- The feeding speed must be changed with continuousness and a rule,which can let the lathe work well. 从中可知,旋切过程中刀刃进给速度必须按一定规律变化才能保证旋切机正常工作。
- Veneer clipping length by digital key-in.Tt is not to occur any error in size when change the feeding speed. 剪板长度以数值输入,速度改变时不会产生尺寸误差。
- The feeding system from coil of this model ,for single or double strand, by means of two motorized and braked pay-offs, is controlled by computer to adjust the feeding speed. 上料系统:本机型配有两个放线架,可适合于单线和双线加工,由计算机控制、电机驱动和制动来调节放线速度。
- When the yarn feeding speed becomes lower than the value set with this parameter,the STOP TENSION function will be activated. 当纱补浇速率变成比数值低由于这个叁数设定的时候,停止张力功能将会被启动。
- In this study we investigate the effects of blade line speed and feeding speed on the cutting force, examine the photomicrograph of the cut off face. 理论部份,本研究以正交切削模式为基础,配合弓锯锯削模式,以建立切削参数与切削率间之关系。
- According to the feeding feature in the production of thiourea dioxide by batch method,the feeding speed mathmatics model is established. 结合间歇淤浆法生产二氧化硫脲的氧化投料特点,建立了加料数学模型。
- Flash can be continual and steady,and then,the good welding joints could be obtained by properly controlling feeding speed of shifting unit of rail continuous flash welding. 有效地控制钢轨连续闪光焊的动力柱送进速度,可以使整个焊接过程保持连续和稳定的闪光,从而获得优良的焊接接头。
- Through testing textured yarn of different feeding speed by using EIB, the amount of hairiness/loops, distribution of hairiness/loops and yarn profile can be acquired. 利用EIB分别对超喂率不同的空变纱进行测试,可以获得纱线的丝圈/丝弧数据、个数的分布情况和形态图,得出超喂率对变形纱外观形态影响的规律。
- In this paper, the effect of feeding speed on peen-forming is studied thorugh experiments, which shows that chordwise peen-forming deformation is the exponential function of feeding speed. 摘要试验研究了送进速度与抛丸成形之间的关系,结果显示,横向抛丸变形是送进速度的指数函数。
- The influence of temperature on yield and colour of product in bromination of benzene ring as well as the influence of bromine feeding speed on yield of brominated sidechains were investigated. 考察了反应温度对苯环上溴代产物收率和色泽的影响以及溴素滴加速度对侧链光溴代产物收率的影响。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那个拳击家是个大肚汉。
- By this method,and the feeding increments of two coordinates can be found separately.The method is simple and its result is accurate.Also the feeding speed fluctuation is very small. 采用该方法求出了一个插补周期内两坐标各自的进给增量,其计算结果精确,而且进给速度波动不大。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- In this paper,the effect of feeding speed on peen forming is studied thorugh experiments,which shows that chordwise peen forming deformation is the exponential function of feeding speed. 试验研究了送进速度与抛丸成形之间的关系 ,结果显示 ,横向抛丸变形是送进速度的指数函数。
- The result shows that properly increasing pulse length and space, improving concentration of saponified oil emulsion as well as setting rational feeding speed can get the above problems well resolved. 研究表明,适当加大脉冲宽度、增加脉冲间隙、提高皂化油乳化液浓度以及设置合理的进给速度,能够很好地解决铝材线切割中存在的问题。