- feeding of damp mill 润磨机供料
- The room is bone-dry, not a trace of damp anywhere. 房间十分干燥,连一点湿气也没有。
- Her sweater smells of damp wool. 她的羊绒衫发出一股湿羊毛味。
- Show decent thanks for the feeding of passengers. 优雅地表达对游客赐食的谢忱。
- The room is bone-dry,not a trace of damp anywhere. 房间十分干燥,连一点湿气也没有。
- On the basis of analyzing the reasons for the difficulty in controlling the feeding of a break system in a flour mill, it has been found that changing the structure of the feed baffle may improve feeding uniformity. 对皮磨系统磨粉机喂料机构控制难的原因进行了分析 ,得出了改变喂料挡板结构形式可以有效地提高喂料均匀性的结论。
- The application of!the damp mill in pelletizing technique has been described in this paper. 介绍润磨机在球团生产工艺中的应用。
- Synchro feeding of needle bar and feed dog assures even stitches and prevents materials being sewn from shifting. 针杆摆动与送布牙同时送料,能确保线迹均匀及防止缝料滑移。
- The effects of binder and damp mill on green balls,the process for preheated pellets with high strength and easy reduction,and coal-based direct reduction iron(DRI) were studied. 以新疆磁铁精矿为原料,采用“一步法”直接还原,研究粘结剂种类和润磨方式对生球质量的影响,高强度、高还原性预热球团的制备及煤基直接还原的工艺。
- The air was heavy with the stink of damp and foulness. 空气中有一股潮湿的恶臭味。
- We think this is because of dampness in the soil. 我们认为这是由于土壤中的潮湿所导致的。
- The disease is apparently associated with the feeding of freshly chopped corn. 疾病显然与饲喂新粉碎的玉米有一定的联系。
- Feeding of separate sheets of paper rather than roll or fanfolded form. 不是以卷动或折叠方式送纸,而是一张一张分开送纸的输纸方式。
- The mites feed on the blood of adult bees, larvae and pupae.The feeding of Varroa mites has a number of effects on the bee, from damaging tissue to shortening the bee's lifespan as an adult. 蜱螨目任何一种小的乃至微小的蜘蛛纲动物,通常寄生于动植物体内,也寄生在储藏食物中,有些种还传播疾病。
- The long winter is over;birdsong and the scent of damp loam fill the air. 如果您是通过非免费方式得到此文档的,请告诉我们。
- Operators want the most exciting scenes of the small feeding of goldfish. 最为精彩的要算小金鱼吃食的场面了。
- Molleton: Cotton material used for covering of damping rollers. 水辘布:包裹水辘用的棉质物料。
- Water vapor from the bathroom might condense and create conditions of damp. 来自浴室的水蒸汽会冷凝,并制造潮湿。
- Kitchen, toilet as a result of damp, lampblack, with shutter more appropriate. 厨房、卫生间等由于潮湿、油烟,用百叶窗较合适。