- In this article the feeding habit and behavior of Procambarus clarkia was analysed. 摘要对克氏原螯虾的食性和摄食活动进行了分析。
- The paper also discussed the feeding habit,feeding behaviour and transformation of feeding habit and so on in two breeds of icefish. 同时探讨了两个银鱼品种的食性、摄食行为以及大银鱼食性转化等问题。
- The lowest cell density was found in duodenum.The origin of distributive mode of argyrophil cells in the digestive tract of Takydromus wolteri might be related to its habitat and feeding habit. 且嗜银细胞形态多样,主要有锥体形、椭圆形等广泛分布于上皮细胞基部、上皮细胞之间、腺泡上皮及腺泡之间,且多数嗜银细胞有明显的突起。
- In addition, the present paper also indicated that the morphology and distribution of the oropharyngeal cavity gustatory organ of C.semilaevi are adaptations to its predatory feeding habit. 同时探讨了半滑舌鳎口腔味蕾形态及分布对捕食习性的适应意义。
- Wu, Ling-I ( 1996 ). The feeding habit of Chelon macrolepis in the area of Kaohsiung harbour, Southern Taiwan. Master thesis, Department of Marine Resources, National Sun Yat-sen University, 105 pp. 苏德强(1997)。台湾西南海域产梭属仔稚鱼的鑑别。国立中山大学海洋资源研究所,硕士论文,90页。
- Studies on the feeding Habit of Liocla brevitarsus 白星花金龟子食性研究
- The stone marten is a predatory nocturnal mammal with feeding habits similar to those of domestic cats. 岩貂是一种夜间食肉哺乳动物,它的饮食习惯与家猫相似。
- The application of plant cuticle waxiness alkane in determining pasturing stock's feed intake and feeding habit 植物表皮蜡质中烷烃在测定放牧家畜采食量和食性中的应用
- Food and feeding habits of Tilapia zillii (Gervais)(Cichlidae) in Lake Kinneret (Israel). 行政院农业委员会。
- Of or involving the feeding habits or food relationship of different organisms in a food chain. 生物食物链食物链中不同生物的捕食习惯或食物关系的,或涉及于此的
- Feeding Habits: Eats fish, rays and smaller sharks. Doesn't chew food. Swallows food whole. 食性:吃鱼,海星和小鲨。不咀嚼食物。将食物整个吞下。
- BE CONSISTENT with your feeding habits: do not vary feeding times by more than an hour. Always provide fresh clean water. 特别提示:在喂养过程中,不要在一小时内多次喂养,随时备有新鲜干净的饮水在网上搜的相关的营养品。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- It's a bad habit for a boy to toss off. 对一个男孩来说,手淫是个坏习惯。
- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那个拳击家是个大肚汉。
- This paper deals with the preliminary studies on feeding habits of Phrynocephalus grumgrizmaloi, Badriaga and Eremias multiocellata, Guenther. 本文对东疆沙蜥和密点麻蜥的食性特征进行了调查研究。
- It's not easy to rid oneself of a habit. 要改掉一个习惯是不容易的。
- When this is disturbed by artificial light, it can upset every aspect of their behavior, including mating cycles, feeding habits and migration timing. 当这是不安的人工光源,它可以破坏的各个方面的行为,包括交配周期,食性和迁移时间。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。