- feeder distribution center 馈线分配中心
- Was only a distribution center of tea trade. 哎,说对了。只是一个茶叶贸易的集散地。
- Kerberos Key Distribution Center Service may not be running. Kerberos密钥分发中心服务可能没有运行。
- The company's distribution center in Hayes can ship 1.6 Million items a day. 公司在Hayes的配送中心一天要发160万件货。
- We hope to make Tainan our regional distribution center for southen Taiwan. 我们希望使台南成为南台湾的经销中心。
- The China Green Food Corp has built a distribution center of green food. 中国绿色食品公司已经建立了一个绿色食品的配送中心。
- And an aquatic product distributing center. 和海水产品集散地。
- S. and move through its new distribution center (DC) near Pittsburgh. 但是他们还是完全控制着这些商品的存货管理。
- The making of morden regional distribution center is an essential requirement to develope Chinas chain enterprise. 摘要发展现代化的区域性配送中心是我国连锁企业的发展的必然要求。
- New York remains a distribution center of local, regional, national, and even international scope. 纽约仍是一个地方性、区域性、全国性乃至国际性的批发中心。
- The Photo Studio and Printing &Graphic Services are located at the Distribution Center in Sumner. 摄影工作室、印刷及平面布局服务中心位于萨姆纳.
- As well as an important distributing center of Wuyi rock tea. 也是武夷岩茶的重要集散地。
- If it's a top-selling product,it may go in the best location in your warehouse or distribution center. 如果它是畅销产品,它就可能放到仓库或批发中心的最佳位置。
- In e-commerce,there is a different value proposition.Your distribution center becomes your store. 在电子商务中,有不同的价值观,批发中心成了商店。
- Description: A service account that is used by the Key Distribution Center (KDC) service. 说明:密钥分发中心(KDC)服务使用的服务帐户。
- The little boy is a noisy feeder. 这个小男孩吃东西时发出响声。
- Distribution center for service parts for construction, mining and agricultural equipment, and engines. 建筑、采矿和农业器械。
- Requires that the returned domain controller be currently running the Kerberos Key Distribution Center service. 要求返回的域控制器当前正在运行Kerberos密钥分发中心服务。
- ICEP also plans to open distribution centers in the United States and Brazil. ICEP还计划在美国和巴西开设销售中心。
- Search only for domain controllers that are currently running the Kerberos Key Distribution Center service. 只搜索当前运行Kerberos密钥分发中心服务的域控制器。