- feed processing plant 农场内的饲料加工
- Suifenhe City thriving timber processing plants. 绥芬河市兴旺木材加工厂。
- Suifenhe City, thriving timber processing plants. 首页>公司>绥芬河市兴旺木材加工厂。
- Under the two processing plants and tanneries. 属下有两个加工厂及制革厂。
- Shanghai Dajiang Meat Processing Plant No. 上海大江肉食品二厂。
- To build the table chicken breeding &hatching farm and chicken feed mill, table chicken processing plant under the project. 新建肉种鸡养殖、种蛋孵化、鸡饲料加工、肉鸡屠宰加工综合养殖加工项目。
- A cowhand herds cattle past a petroleum processing plant. 一个牧牛人赶着一群牛在一家石油加工厂附近经过。
- Staple fibers arrive at the yarn processing plant in large bales. 棉纤维以棉包的形式被运到纺纱厂。
- Beijing downwind processing plant was established in 2003. 北京顺风加工厂成立于2003年。
- Feed processing operation and the "three to one up" business, operating counter trade and entrepot trade. 经营进料加工和“三来一补”业务,经营对销贸易和转口贸易。
- Sino-foreign joint venture co-operation, feed processing, barter, entrepot trade and other business . 中外合资合作、进料来料加工、易货、转口贸易等业务。
- In addition, to undertake joint ventures, cooperative enterprises, compensation trade, processing, feed processing business. 此外,还承接合资、合作经营、补偿贸易、来料加工、进料加工等业务。
- Offer to your Coal Mining Companies of Surplus Coal Processing Plants! 苏格兰关闭的煤矿,设备需要转让,有意请联系!
- La Siesta Foods tested a new ink-jet coder designed for food processing plants. 香格里拉午睡食品检验一个新的喷墨编码设计的食品加工厂。
- Our factory was established in 2005, is now focused on straw livestock feed processing, at the same time vigorously develop the culture of Tenebrio molitor and further processing. 我厂成立于2005年,现主要致力于牲畜秸秆饲料的加工,同时大力开发黄粉虫的养殖和进一步加工。
- The Cooked Food Processing Plant of Qingdao Nine-Alliance Group Co., Ltd. 青岛九联集团熟食品厂。
- Customers can also provide material, the processing plant reasonable charge. 客户也可以提供材料;我厂只收合理的加工费.
- In a few years'time, a food processing plant will be established here. 几年后,这里将建造一个食品加工厂。
- It includes machinery for grassland construction, livestock breeding harvesting machinery, feed processing machinery, animal and poultry feeding machinery and animal by-products collecting machinery. 包括草原建设机械、牧业收获机械、饲料加工机械、畜禽饲养机械、畜产品采集机械。
- Deployment analysis, invoice control, tank card management, replacement vehicles, vehicles to meet peak requirements, vehicle tax and fee processing, insurance and financial services. 车辆调度分析,开票控制,加油卡管理,替换车辆,高峰期车辆管理,办理车辆税费、保险和金融服务。