- Feed in money here and the coffee comes out here. 在这里放入钱,咖啡从那里出来。
- Eels have been on the feed in the Lower Thames. 鳗鱼在泰晤士河下游寻食。
- Supply variable feed in and feed out entrance. 可特别提供其它进出料口方向。
- Implant Eyes and Brains in Machine! 为机器植入眼睛和大脑!
- You feed in money here and the coffee conies out there. 从这里投入硬币,咖啡就从那边出。
- There are only women and flunky hard to feed in the world! 世间唯女子和小人难养!
- You can often find in machine shop such a swivel as we use here. 你们常常能在机厂见到我们在这儿使用的这种水龙头。
- To maintain your holding, you will have to pay a fee in Goths. 保持你控股,你要付费的哥特。
- Note that a context corresponds to a snapshot of a feed in time. 请注意,上下文在时间上对应于一个馈送的快照。
- Birds that feed in flocks commonly retire together into roosts. 成群结队地出去觅食的鸟儿,夜晚通常也结伴栖息。
- Fixture design is a critical step in machining. 夹具设计是机械加工中一个重要步骤。
- A single instruction in programming language that results in a series of instructions in machine language. 宏指令计算机编程语言中可以在机器语言中形成一系列指令的命令
- You will have some fees in addition to that. 除此而上,你还会有一些费用。
- Listing 3 is an example of such a feed in Atom format. 清单3给出了一份Atom格式的提要。
- Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead As in the days of old. 求你容他们在巴珊和基列得食物、像古时一样。
- Lubricating spindles with narrow bearing clearance in machine tools. 亦可用作润滑机械工具中,狭窄间隙轴承的轴心。
- A part of the energy is wasted in machines due to friction. 一部分能量由于摩擦而消耗在机器内。
- The emulsive liquid wastewater is wide-ranging used in machining. 乳化液在机械加工中被广泛应用。
- Bachelor degree, graduate in machine or auto specialty, engine better. 具有学士学位,汽车或机械专业,最好为发动机专业。
- Fees in public hospitals and clinics are heavily subsidised. 公立医院及诊所的费用,大部分由公帑资助。