- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那个拳击家是个大肚汉。
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- Cows and sheep depends forage to feed. 牛和羊依靠草料喂养。
- He can barely feed and clothe his family. 他勉强能给予全家人温饱。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- It is warm enough for you to play out of doors. 天气很暖和,你可以出去玩。
- She lay flat on her back in the warm sunshine. 她在温暖的阳光下平躺著。
- The room was furnished in warm reds and browns. 这个房间是用红色和棕色装饰的暖色调。
- The fee paid to a mint by a government. 铸币费政府支付给铸币厂的钱
- I took off my overcoat since it was warm. 天气很暖和,我就把大衣脱了。
- I thought the accountant's fee rather high. 我认为那个会计师收费很高。
- Please warm(up) yesterday's mutton. 请把昨天的羊肉热一下。
- Cattle and sheep feed chiefly on grass. 牛羊主要以草为食物。
- The milk was warming in a saucepan on the stove. 牛奶放在炉灶上的锅里热著。
- Clean the car from the top, preferably with a hose and warm water. 最好用软管和温水从顶部开始清洗汽车
- It was a warm climb to the summit. 向顶峰攀登时身上都热起来了。
- The doctor's fee was higher than we expected. 这位医生的收费比我们预料的高。
- He rubbed his hands to keep them warm. 他揉搓着双手来取暖。