- Management of the system driver for a base service. 基本服务的系统驱动程序管理。
- Video on-demand is a base service of B-ISDN. 视频点播(VOD)业务是B-ISDN的一种基础业务。
- Look for them all to offer fee based custom domain URL shortener services sooner rather than later. 尽快找到需要这些服务的人,然后提供付费的以自己域名为基础的短网址服务。
- For complicated Tender Document, an information fee based on cost is charged to tenderer. 2对于复杂的招标文件要按成本价收取资料费。
- LBS,Location Based Service is a very hot research topic in recent years. 基于位置信息的服务(LBS,Location Based Service)是近两年来非常吸引人们关注的一个课题。
- Public accountants who are similar to doctors or lawyers can offer their accounting service to the public on a fee basis. 公共会计师是像律师、医生那样,按规定收费标准为公众提供各种会计服务。
- A Web based service system was proposed with the aim of dealing with the aftermarket service of CNC machine. 针对数控设备售后服务与技术支持问题 ;提出基于Web的服务保障系统 .
- This overview provides a powerful playbook to guide club owners to capitalize on profitable fee based programming, enhance non-dues revenue, and increase member retention and attraction. 这部分概述给俱乐部管理者提供了一个强大的指南,以引导他们有效利用基本的项目费用,增大非会员群体的利润空间,增加会员的忠实度以及对他们的吸引力。
- Location Based Services and Location-Enabled Business. 基于位置的服务和定位服务。
- And for the example of comfort application, if a gourmand can easily find some suitable restaurants by using the location based service through VANET. 或是开车族可以透过VANET网路所提供之服务,获取有关停车位位置之资讯。
- In this paper we introduce an P2P based service management system for digital city,and discuss how to design and implement the platform. 本文提出基于P2P模式的数字城市服务管理系统,并对平台设计、实现进行了探讨。
- Accountants rendering accounting services on a fee basis and staff accountants employed by them are said to be engaged in public accounting. 凡在按规定标准收费提供会计服务的会计师事务所里工作的会计人员,被称为公共会计师。
- In order to activate 3 years warranty, you must register your product within 2 weeks. Otherwise, we offer one year return to base service upon invoice or product production date. 请于两星期内为阁下产品登记保用,以上的三年保养计划方能生效。否则本公司祗根据单据或产品生产日期提供壹年自携保养服务。
- These are commercial products that entice piglets to explore and ingest solid feed based on aroma and texture. 很小一部分,也就是半磅的保育料,可以放在垫子上以提高诱食,其余的放在料槽里。
- This thesis discusses the design and implementation of SOA based service integration platform for integrating heterogeneous components through Semantic Web Service in digital health care environment. 因此针对居家照护产业的服务整合平台必须被提出以提供老人完整的到护,并且降低照护提供者开发时的困难度及缩短开发的时间。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- The biology fungoid, biology feeds, feed base, biology organic fertilizer is the most important backbone of our company. 公司技术人员经过多年的实践和高新科技的结合与研究,在秸秆生化饲料、生物有机肥等方面取得了丰富的成熟经验。
- The biology fungoid is growing in the feed base which belongs the “ Three Color Birds Group”. 公司已形成四大支柱产业(生物菌种、生化饲料、养殖基地、生物有机肥)六大产品系列,集团化农牧龙头企业已显雏形。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- On the basis service concepts of credit and punctuality, clients-respect, mutual benefit, we would serve all our clients excellently, efficiently and satisfied. 公司本著诚信守时,尊重顾客,互利双赢的服务理念,为广大客户提供优质高效的服务。