- Federal legislation protecting consumers: the Trade Practices Act. 联邦保护消费者权益的立法:贸易法。
- The U.S. Congress has exclusive authority to enact federal legislation. 美国国会是唯一有权颁布联邦法律的。
- Federal courts also interpret federal legislation and federal agency rules and decisions. 联邦法院也解释联邦法律、机构规章及决定。
- US federal legislation to prevent business monopolies and restraint of free trade. 指美国旨在防止企业垄断与自由贸易受限的联邦法规。
- All state constitutions and legislation can be preempted by federal legislation or the federal Constitution. 联邦宪法和法律可以优先于所有州的宪法和法律。
- For years business and labor groups wrangled over the need for federal legislation. 多年以来,企业与劳工团体为联邦立法的需要而争论。
- Even if the state law is generally compatible with the objectives of the federal legislation, a court may determine that Congress intended to foreclose state action. 即使一般看来州法与联邦立法的意图相符,法院也可能判定国会是希望排斥州法的适用。
- Advocates of these two concepts of progressivism battled all during the first Wilson administration to shape the form and character of federal legislation. 这两种进步主义观点的拥护者,在整个威尔逊第一次执政期间,为确定联邦立法的体制和性质进行着斗争。
- They included the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and other federal legislation and Supreme Court rulings outlawing racial discrimination in business, education, employment, voting and housing. 这些成果当中包括在1964年被纳入法律的民权法案以及其他联邦立法,还有最高法院做出的在商业、教育、申请工作、投票、以及住房等领域的种族歧视行为为非法的判决。
- Proposed federal legislation that would ban all forms of human cloning would cripple research in America and force researchers to find countries where such studies are legal, Zavos said. 说这话的帕纳椰提斯米切尔扎瓦斯是肯塔基州的一名生殖研究员,也是人类克隆的鼓吹者,周五,他说,已有3000多对渴望成为父母的不育夫妇与他的组织接触。
- All federal legislative powers are vested in the Congress of the United States. 在美国所有联邦立法权力都授予了国会。
- As per Federal Legislation or increased by such further salary sacrifice payments as the Employee may request.Once optional payments for superannuation are made they cannot be reduced. 根据联邦法规规定,如果雇员要求拿出更多的工资放进养老金户头,一旦额外的养老金交纳部分确定了就不能再减少。
- CMI, at the direction of the CMI Government Relations Committee, actively lobbies Members of Congress on behalf of the can manufacturing industry with respect to federal legislative issues of concern. 国际海事委员会,在方向海事政府关系委员会,积极游说国会议员代表可以制造业方面的联邦立法关注的问题。
- The legislation was made retrospective. 该项法规具有追溯效力。
- Legislation will be difficult and take time. 立法将是困难而又费时的。
- Legislation is not in the President's power. 立法不是总统的权力。
- The United States has a federal government. 美国有联邦政府。
- Legislation is the duty of a congress. 立法是国会的职责。
- The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation. 该议案企图废除现存的有关立法。
- Feder came into sight, wobbling about on an old bicycle. 费德骑着一辆旧自行车,摇遥晃晃地出现眼前。