- Some Special Features of Formation of Manyfunctional Powders Steels Structure Antsiferov V. N.;Oglezneva S. A.;Grevnov L. M. 椭球形陶瓷颗粒增强镍基合金复合涂层热膨胀系数预报姚战军;郑坚;倪新华;陈志伟;黄坚
- Euphemism is a universal feature of language usage.The author briefly talks about euphemism's devices of formation, its change and development and its psychological foundation. 委婉语是语言使用中的普遍特征;本文简述委婉语的构成方法、变化发展及其心理基础.
- A good commercial puts across the attractive features of a product. 好广告能突显产品吸引人的特徵。
- I think we need a change of format. 我认为我们需要改一改形式。
- Have you seen the cause of formation of fat body? 您看见过身体肥胖的成因吗?
- According to petrology, biological assemblage and structural features of carbonate rocks, the sedimentary environments of formations of the carbonates in Yichang area are reconstructed. 根据本区寒武系的岩石学特徵、生物组合特徵和沈积构造特徵重建了各组段的沈积坏境。
- Wet weather is a feature of life in this area. 天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。
- Based on the data of flow passing by Lijin Hydrometric Station,rainfall in the Yellow River basin,and human activities,the paper shows the feature of the flow regime change and the causes of formation. 利用黄河入海控制站利津的实测水文资料及黄河流域的降水和人类活动影响的相关资料等,分析了近期黄河入海水量变化的特征及变化的原因。
- Could you tell me the different features of them? 你能否给我讲讲这些菜的不同特点呢?
- A main feature of computer virus. 计算机病毒的一种主要特性。
- Do you mind telling me the features of E-stores? 能介绍一下网上商店的特点吗?
- A characteristic feature of Attic Greek. 雅典式的习语,文体,风格等古希腊雅典个性风格
- Cliche is a feature of bad journalism. 使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。
- Study of formation damage mechanism caused by organic deposition. 有机垢对地层损害机理研究。
- This is a key feature of our society. 这是我们社会的一个主要特点。
- To distort the features of the face;grimace. 改变脸部的容貌;扮鬼脸
- Activation of HSC is the main step of formation of collagen. HSC活化是产生胶原的关键环节。
- What are the main geographical features of Asia? 亚洲的主要地理特征是什么?
- Does death prove the proof format of format and relative relation? 死亡证明格式和亲属关系的证明格式?
- The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary. 这份工作唯其薪水尚可弥补一切之不足。