- feature point pairs 特征点对
- This paper presents a simple geometric approach for calibrating extrinsic camera parameters from arbitrary point pairs. 摘要提出了一种基于任意点对的几何标定方法,用于标定相机外部参数。
- In this paper,a skeletonization algorithm based on Symmetric Point Pairs Sequences(SPPS) of the ribbon image is described. 文中提出了一种基于离散轮廓的对称点对序列的骨架化算法。
- An approach to contour extraction and feature point detection in the 3-D fragment reassembly is proposed. 针对三维空间碎片的拼接,提出一种轮廓提取和特征点检测的方法。
- And by using the gradient vectors of the feature point, we can obtain rotate angle, major diameter and minor diameter in each subimage. (2)在各子图中由边界点梯度向量和候选形心座标,获得椭圆旋转角和长短轴比率;
- Welding seam feature point was extraced by laser vision sensing that enhanced the precision of seam identification in teleteaching. 提出了用于遥控焊接的激光视觉传感辅助遥控示教技术。
- The whole calibration process doesn't need the absolute posit ion information of any point pairs, and it doesn't exert any restrictions on the position relationships among the point pairs. 整个标定过程无需任何点对的绝对位置信息,而且对点对的位置关系也没有任何限制。
- The trifocal tensor can eliminate the wrong matches while the epipolar geometry algorithms of feature point and line match can not find them. 利用三视张量能够消除两视情况下特征点、特征线匹配算法所不能发现的错误匹配。
- To resolve those problems mentioned above, in this paper the authors propose a global matching method based on combination of feature point and feature edge. 为更好地解决上述问题,本文提出了基于特征点匹配与边缘线匹配相结合的方法。
- The main steps include camera calibration, the matching of motion and stereo images, 3-D feature point correspondences and resolving the motion parameters. 其主要步骤包括相机检校、运动与立体影像的匹配、运动前后三维特征点的对应以及运动参数的求解。
- Study of feature points detecting technique for trajectory measurement system. 轨迹测量系统中特征点检测技术研究。
- The log-polar transform (LPT) is utilized and an anti-rotation and anti-scale image matching algorithm is proposed based on the image edge feature point extraction. 在惯性导航系统中,定量分析了景象匹配过程中惯性导航系统漂移和无线电气压高度表测量误差对实测图的旋转和尺度所造成的影响,引入了对数极坐标变换。
- A method on detection of feature points based on muti-scale space is presented. 提出了一种在不同尺度空间下特征点提取的方法。
- Depth and Motion Estimation from Point Pairs 一种基于点对的深度和运动估计方法
- It takes into account both radial and decentering distortions and uses Gaussian distribution fitting to accurately obtain the imaging centers of feature point image coordinates. 采用二次高斯曲面拟合,精确地提取像点的质心坐标。校准过程包括线性参数估计和基于最大似然估计的非线性校正。
- We improved the initialization meaning of -swap algorithm, according to the results of primary matching of feature point, and the convergence of energy function is speeded up. 结合特征点初匹配的结果,增强了 扩张运动算法所赋初值的意义,有效地提高了能量函数的收敛效率。
- Take example for the triangle gained by a hollow tetrahedron,a high-speed and high-efficiency image processing method is designed to gain the feature point and feature line. 以采用空心正四面体获取的三角形为例,设计一种获得特征点、特征线的图像处理算法,该方法具有速度快、精度较高、实用和算法分析容易等优点。
- The model of feature tracking window is built up, then, KLT feature point detection and tracking algorithm is given out and feature point necessary conditions are discussed. 在利用中值滤波器对图像序列进行预处理后,给出基于特征的KLT特征点提取与跟踪算法,并且分析了特征点必须满足的条件。
- A Geometric Approach for Camera Calibration Based on Point Pairs 一种基于点对的相机几何标定方法
- RATES uses bottom-up method to precisely locate feature points on human face by 13 training data sets. 特别在人脸特征定位方面,该系统使用自底向上的方法,通过13个训练集的学习,能够由局部至整体地对人脸各器官及特征点进行精确定位。